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Wanda sighs as she throws her bag into her car, her head still pulsing, pain, she presses the heel of her hand to her head and closes her eyes. Pietro looks at her, worried, she's had headaches before but none that have lasted this long. He raises an eyebrow at her.

'Are you okay?' He asks through their open mind link.....She opens her eyes and looks to him.

"I'm fine.....I just need a minute" he nods and climbs into the car, Wanda takes a deep breath and follows him. She hands him her keys before pressing her head to the cold glass.

"When we get home you should rest" he states starting the car. "I'll make you an ice pack and get you some aspirin" He reaches over and strokes her head. "I know they don't do much"

"It's okay....that sounds nice" he opens his arm and she curls against his side as he drives away from the school. "Thank you"


"Here" Pietro crouches in front of Wanda with a glass of water and two aspirin, she takes them and the water and gives him a grateful smile. He kisses her forehead before speeding away and then back, to press the ice pack to her head as she swallows the pills.

"It was just so loud" he nods and brushes her hair back.

"The first day is always the worst," he tells her, she nods and curls up on the sofa. Pietro pulls a blanket over her as she takes over holding the ice pack. "Do you want something to eat?"

"No, not yet....maybe later" he nods and sits beside her pulling her legs onto his lap and turning on the tv.


Jasper stands looking out the window of his bedroom as the rain starts to fall, he likes listening to the rain, there is something pure about it, redeemable.....the washing away of past sins.

"You are really not going to talk to her?" Edward asks from the doorway.

"It's for the best" Jasper states, monotoned, eyes still on the rain outside, tracking a few drops that slide down the glass. "I'm not like you" he turns to Edward. "Your self-restraint....."

"You know how difficult it has been for me....and for Bella"

"Yes...and you have more control than me over the....bloodlust" Jasper sighs looking back out the window.

"Jasper, you give yourself so little credit"

"After what happened last September"

"A one-off...."

"A paper cut" he cuts Edward off. "That is all it took" he sighs. "Alice said she saw us all together but I can't picture anything but me hurting her" Jasper pulls on his jacket. "I need to take a walk" Edward raises an eyebrow. "I'll be fine" Jasper assures him vaulting over the small balcony to the ground below before he walks into the trees.


Wanda sits on their small porch swing, a blanket wrapped around her as she watches the rain, Pietro would complain that it made him impatient, Wanda smiles at the thought of her brother moaning about the rain being too slow for him. She pulls the blanket over her shoulders and lays her head on the wood of the seat, the cool wood doing little to alleviate her headache. She looks out into the trees at the back of the small house, so dark and dangerous looking in the fading light and heavy rain.

"What is the phrase? You'll catch your death" she smiles as Pietro steps out the door with another blanket.

"I thought the cold air would help clear my head" she turns and lifts her legs so he can sit down before he pulls them over his own and sets the other blanket over her.

"Has it?"

"A bit....it's not as painful as before, but still foggy.....I think it is the town...I told you it felt..."

"Thick" Pietro nods. "I remember" he presses his head to hers. "It'll get easier...it always does...just give it a few days" she nods. "And come in out of the cold rain" he stands and heads inside, Wanda sighs and stands to gather the blankets to do the same. Throwing them over one arm she raises her hand slightly and lets her red mist coil around her fingers before she snuffs it out.


Jasper's eyes widen slightly watching Wanda....so what? He got curious, after leaving his family home he wandered a bit as the sun set before he caught her scent and followed it, the wind had picked up slightly, almost guiding it towards him. So he followed it, which lead straight to the house and he found a quiet spot under a tree and sat down to watch her on the swing, the slow rocking almost hypnotic, and out here he can get a better feel on her emotions, the mist is easier to navigate in a way, like she was feeding off of everyone else in the cafeteria, or at least attracting their emotions to her, out here though...it was all her, he could feel her pain, from her headache, and her loneliness, even considering her brother was beside her. She's beautiful, he notes, even with the eyes, there is just something about her, drawing him to her and now he knows she is different....not like his family different but different all the same. He is going to find it really hard to stay away from her. He glances up as the tree rustle and smirks to himself.

"Alice" she glances down at him and smiles before jumping to his side.

"Couldn't stay away huh?" he shrugs and stands to brush the dirt from the backs of his trousers.

"Did you see?" Alice cocks her head and then shakes it.

"No, what?" he looks back to Wanda as she heads inside.

"She's gifted" he states as Alice moves to his side.

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now