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Jasper waits for Alice and Pietro to pass his little hiding spot, Alice glances to him and winks before leading Pietro away, Jasper sighs and moves along the tree branch to the open window across from him, quietly slipping in.

"Okay, okay" he pauses to listen, Pietro's voice, though distorted, a video clip. "If I could go back..." Jasper peeks around the corner to see Wanda on her bed watching tv.

"Yes, go back"

"Urm...the roaring 20's...."

"The 20's? Oh yeah, prohibition, suffrage and art deco" Present Wanda smiles and Jasper sinks against the wall to listen.

"Alright, what about you? If you could go back....?"

"Hmm...I would have to say.....1800" Jasper raises an eyebrow and glances to Wanda, who now sleeps curled up on top of her bed, Jasper sighs and stands moving into her room, he pulls the blanket over her.

"Before we met Doctor List and Baron Strucker?" Jasper looks to the screen and cocks his head, from the clothing and the quality of the video he would say it was the early 90's....but Wanda and Pietro look the same. "You would take it all back?" he moves closer to the screen as onscreen Pietro touches onscreen Wanda's cheek.

"I am just tired...."

"Wanda....the life we had before....begging on the streets, we barely ate, slept in shifts so not to get snatched....this is better, no?" the tv turns off and Jasper whirls around to Wanda who stares at him.

"What are you doing here?" she asks sitting up.

"Wanda...." she stands and moves to the tv, ejecting the DVD from the player and setting it on the side.

"I can explain, whatever you saw...."

"How old are you?" he asks watching her.

"Nineteen" she answers, running her hand over the desk, not looking at him. He moves to her side as she still looks away.

"How long have you been nineteen, Wanda?" she sniffles and folds her arms around herself.

"A while" she whispers, Jasper can feel her emotions flashing...the usually calm mist, now thick and heavy and almost stifling. "Please don't tell anyone....you can't" she looks to him. "They'll lock me away....and I can't do that again"

"Shhh" he brushes the tears from her cheek and strokes her hair. "Sugah'" she looks to him, he brushes his fingers over her cheek, brushing away her tears, he glances out the window to the setting sun. "I won't let nobody lock you away" he brushes her hair back behind her ear. "Okay?" she nods a little. "Don't worry, get some sleep" he pushes out wrapping around her emotions, calming her, making her sleepy, her eyes flutter a little and he catches her as she collapses, asleep. He sighs and presses his head to hers. "I'm sorry" he lifts her up and carries her to her bed, carefully setting her down and tucking her in before grabbing the DVD and slipping out the window.


"I have to tell her" Jasper sets the disc down on Carlisle's desk, he looks up at Jasper.

"Jasper" he sighs. "With everything that's happened with Bella"

"The twins are different" Jasper snaps with a growl. The rest of his family now on edge.

"We can't let more humans in" Rosalie sneers from the doorway. "The trouble we are already in with the Volturi....add two more...."

"They are different" Jasper presses his finger onto the disc, Carlisle looks to it. "Play it"

"Jasper" Carlisle looks to Jasper.

"They are not nineteen" Carlisle raises an eyebrow. "Play the damn disc"

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now