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A massive fire burns as the Cullens and the wolves hurriedly drag what's left of the newborns to it for the incineration. A purple-black smoke rises. Edward and Bella race out of the trees, bee-lining for Pietro, Wanda, Jasper, Alice and the rest of the Cullens gathered near the fire.

"How long?"

"A few minutes. Maybe ten" Alice answers, Bella scans the field for Jacob.

"They timed their arrival well" Rosalie points out.

"Probably hoping the newborns took a few of us out" Emmett adds wrapping an arm around Rosalie. Edward stops as he sees someone by the fire.

"What's she doing here?" Bella looks to the fire – by which cowers the newborn Bree.

"We offered her safe haven if she stopped fighting, she took it"

"The pack needs to leave" Carlisle states. "The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves" Carlisle looks to Wanda and Pietro. "The twins too..." they both nod.

"Where's Jacob?"

"There..." Jacob-wolf emerges from the treeline clear across the field. Bella sighs with enormous relief. He sees her as well, starts toward her – but suddenly –there is a vicious snarl before a newborn grabs Wanda from behind and sinks his teeth into her shoulder, she screams.

"No!" Jasper snarls and moves across to them, grabs the newborn tearing him from Wanda, Pietro catches her as she falls, Jasper just tears into the newborn.

"Wanda?" Pietro asks touching his sister's face, Carlisle is instantly at her other side and touching the wound at her neck. Jasper moves to Pietro's side and stares down at his wife.

"Jaz" she whispers, he kneels by her head and gives her a sad smile, Carlisle watches as her wound bubbles red, foams, this isn't like usual.

"Snake venom" Emmett points out. "Like Edward did with Bella" Jasper looks to him and then to Carlisle who is staring at the wound.


"It won't work" he mumbles gently turning Wanda's head so Jasper can see the bite. "This is different" Wanda groans and clutches to Pietro's hand. Carlisle looks to Wanda softly. "Get her back to the house" Jasper is already lifting her up, her head lulling against his neck. "I'll be there as soon as I can" Jasper nods and looks to Pietro who nods. They both speed away with Wanda.


Jasper holds Wanda's hand against his lips as Pietro sleeps curled up in an armchair. Carlisle sits looking into a microscope lens behind Jasper looking at Wanda's blood, Wanda who lays, struggling to breathe, sweating, pale, her red magic showing in her veins and her eyes. She watches Jasper as he strokes her cheek.

"Why is it different?" Jasper asks Carlisle. "Why is it...." he looks to his 'father'. "Is she going to die?" he asks sadly, worried, utterly terrified. Carlisle looks up from the microscope and rubs at the bridge of his nose.

"They way the venom is attacking her cells.....they're not human cells" Carlisle moves to his side. "I honestly, I don't know...." Jasper kisses Wanda's hand and looks to her. "I'm surprised she's not...."

"In agony?" Jasper asks. "Wanda's suffered enough, she's been in pain, real pain before....maybe to her, this isn't...that bad?" he offers then sighs. "She just...." he kisses her hand and holds it closer. Carlisle moves around to Wanda's neck, to look over the wound.

"It's healing," Carlisle tells him. "That's a good sign....it doesn't look that bad anymore" Jasper looks to the bite and cringes. "It is better" Carlisle reassures him. Wanda groans. "I'll give her some more morphine" Carlisle touches Wanda's arm gently and moves to his desk, Jasper strokes Wanda's face.

"It's going to be okay" he whispers to her, brushing her hair back from her face. "Everything's going to be okay" he presses his forehead to hers. Jasper kisses her softly before pulling away and moving to Carlisle. "How much pain do you think she is in?" he asks eyeing the morphine.

"Jasper, do you know what you are implying of me?" Carlisle asks.

"Unless you can tell me for certain that she is going to live....all she's doing right now is suffering, I can feel it....and I hate it...." Jasper touches his wedding ring and looks back at Wanda.

"How about we give it a few more hours" Carlisle offers. "If there is no change, we'll talk about this again" Carlisle moves back to Wanda with a syringe of morphine. Jasper hangs his head and wipes his hand over his face before moving back to Wanda, he takes her hand and gives her a small smile.


Pietro strokes his sister's hair as she sleeps, at least he thinks she is sleeping. He sniffles and threads his fingers through her hair, before frowning and pulling up a layer of hair.

"Jasper" he states knowing the vampire can hear him. And he walks through the door and straight to his side.

"What?" Pietro nods to Wanda and holds up her hair.

"Is that normal?" Pietro asks, Jasper frowns and touches Wanda's hair, where it is turning red, and rapidly, Jasper watches the hair in his hand turn red and he looks to Pietro.

"No" he answers. "No, this is not normal...Carlisle" he states, the doc hurrying into the room and straight to Wanda's side. "Her hair" Jasper states holding up Wanda's hair. Carlisle turns Wanda's head to look at the bite which has vanished, all that remains in a small silver bite shaped scar.

"Is it working?" Pietro asks. "Is she...." Carlisle sets his hand over Wanda's heart and concentrates.

"I think she's...turning" Carlisle offers. "It was taking time to.....bond with her....with..."

"Her powers?" Pietro asks. "Because we're...different?"

"Possibly, yes," Carlisle tells him. "Perhaps you should....." Pietro cocks his head. "Because you're human"

"I'm not going anywhere" Pietro argues. "She's my sister....we've been through worse together, I'm staying" Carlisle nods as Jasper squeezes Pietro's shoulder.

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now