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The party continues inside. But outside, the discussion is tense. Bella, Alice, Pietro, Edward, Jasper, Wanda, and Carlisle debate as Jacob tries to follow. Quil and Embry are nearby, on guard.

"How long?" Edward asks Alice.

"They'll be here in four days" She answers.

"This could turn into a blood bath," Carlisle tells them.

"Who's behind it?"

"I didn't see anyone I recognize. Maybe one..."

"I know his face. He's local, Riley Biers" Edward catches Bella's eye as she recognizes the name, shaken. "He didn't start this"

"Whoever did is staying out of the action" Alice states.

"They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision"

"Either way, the army is coming.." Jasper wraps an arm around Wanda. ". ... and there aren't enough of us to protect the town"

"Hold up. What damn army?" Jacob's about to explode. Carlisle and Edward share a look. Edward shakes his head no, but Carlisle decides differently.

"Newborns. Our kind"

"What are they after?" Embry asks.

"They were passing around Bella's scent. A red blouse" Alice answers

"They're after Bella?"

"What the hell does this mean?"

"It means an ugly fight. With lives lost" The weight of it lands on all of them. Beat. Jacob shares a sober look with Embry and Quil. An imperceptible nod. Wanda and Pietro share a look.

"Alright... We're in" Jacob states.

"No. You'll get yourselves killed, no way" Bella argues.

"I wasn't asking for permission"

"It means more protection for you"

"Do you believe Sam will agree to... an understanding?" Carlisle asks.

"As long as we get to kill some vampires"


"They'll give us the numbers. And the newborns won't know they even exist. That'll give us an edge"

"We'll need to coordinate"

"Carlisle, they'll gonna get hurt"

"We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us. Alright"

"Name the time and place" Bella follows Jacob, Quil, and Embry as they leave, Pietro looks to Wanda.

"Wanda, ce crezi?" she looks to her brother.

"Luptăm" she tells him, Pietro smiles and nods.

"Da, ne luptăm" he agrees looking to Alice with a warm smile. Jasper frowns and takes Wanda's hand.

"What are you talking about?"

"Me and Pietro want to help" Jasper looks to Pietro before looking back to Wanda.

"No," he tells her. Wanda raises an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" she asks, Carlisle clears his throat.

"Let's give them some space" he motions for the others to leave, Pietro looks to Wanda.

"Vrei să stau?" Wanda shakes her head.

"Nu, e bine, vom fi bine" Pietro nods and takes Alice's hand as they leave. "Jasper"

"You're not fighting, you're not going to get involved, you're going to sit at home and wait for me...." he grabs her face and kisses her. "Because I won't be able to concentrate if you are there.....and I need to know you are safe....here and safe"

"Jasper" she reaches up and touches his face, the red mist soothing into his mind. "Watch" she whispers letting 'other' memories, the ones she'd tucked away, the ones she doesn't like to remember. The wars. The battles. The armies. The fighting.

"Oh my God" Jasper whispers. "Wanda....."

"I have fought before. Me and Pietro; we are weapons.....and you do not want to use us"

"You are not just a weapon....you are my girlfriend...and Pietro is Alice's boyfriend...."

"We are nearly 200 years old......do not treat me...us like we are simple humans incapable of protecting ourselves, we are not Bella....no offense" Wanda takes Jasper's hands. "We were created to be weapons....to be....capable of more.....Please, do not treat me as if I am weak"

"I'm sorry" he whispers before kissing her softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't...I just...."

"I know" she wraps her arms around his neck. "But let us help you....you and Alice...you're family.....It's been me and Pietro for soo long..that we want to protect what we have now.....and I can't sit at home and worry about you, Jasper...I can't...I will drive myself insane, and I've already been there and I can't go...I can't" Jasper pulls her closer and kisses her cheek.

"Shhh....it's okay....we'll figure it out, we will figure out a way that pleases both of us....all of us" Wanda buries her head into his chest.


Jasper grabs Wanda's wrist as she heads towards the couch in his bedroom, he tugs her around into a dance position.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"Our dance got cut short," he tells her pulling her closer. Wanda chuckles.

"There is no music," she tells him, Jasper kisses her and grabs the stereo remote and hits play, he smirks as the music plays.

"Now there is" he pulls her closer to dance with her. "Promise me something" he starts, Wanda looks up at him. "That...whatever we decide on, however this all plays out.....promise me..that you will be careful, that if you fight, you fight harder than you ever have....to come back to me" she smiles.

"I promise....if you do" Jasper lifts her up, Wanda wraps her arms around his neck.

"I promise" she smiles and kisses him.

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now