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Wanda sits on the bonnet of Jasper's jeep, Pietro leans next to her eating, he's always eating, plus Esme loves baking for him. Alice sits behind Pietro and next to Wanda, her arms around Pietro's back and her chin on his shoulder. Jasper and Emmett are already practicing across from them. Carlisle, Esme, and Rosalie watch with them. Emmett is flung through the air and lands hard on his back, but immediately springs up to face Jasper.

"Again," Emmett tells him just as Edward's Volvo skids to a halt next to Jasper's Jeep. Edward and Bella climb out, head towards the others. Halfway to them, Edward stops.

"They're here" From out of the mist skulk eight giant wolves, as wary and on-edge as the Cullens are. Emmett recognizes Paul-wolf; their eyes meet, both itching for a rematch. "They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms"

"They came. That's what matters" Bella sees the red-brown wolf, it turns toward her.

"Jake...."He seems to almost smile, tongue lolling. A sharp look from Sam-wolf gets Jacob-wolf to focus.

"Will you translate?" Edward nods. Carlisle moves slowly towards their pack. Sam-wolf, the biggest and blackest steps forward.

"Welcome. Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them"

"They want to know how the 'newborns' differ from us"

"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful... ... then in our first several months of this life" The pack takes this in. Carlisle nods to Jasper to take over. Jasper looks to Wanda who nods encouragingly. Jasper is initially uncomfortable with both the wolves and the attention. But steps forward.

"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army, doesn't need thousands like a human army. And no human army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first... Never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second... Never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. Emmett? Don't hold back"

"Not in my nature" Emmett charges Jasper with impossible speed, but Jasper is a virtual blur. Emmett lunges several times, his strong arms grabbing at air. Jasper stops long enough to say;

"Never lose focus. One more thing... Never turn your back on your enemy" Emmett lunges again with similar results, until suddenly he freezes – Jasper has him from behind, his teeth an inch from Emmett's throat. Wanda smiles with pride at her vampire. And there's an impressed rumble among the watching wolves.

"I want a go" Pietro states with a smirk. Wanda chuckles. Jasper shoots them both a look.

"You promised to let me," Wanda tells him. Jasper sighs.

"Fine...Wanda" she jumps down off the bonnet and walks towards him.

"I know you" she states at Jasper. "You're going to go easy on me" She shrugs out of her red jacket. "I want the big one" she states looking to Emmet.

"Wanda..." Jasper moves to her, worried.

"Have a little faith in your girlfriend" Emmett states.

"She's human"

"Yeah, with superpowers" Emmett points out.

"Trust me," Wanda tells Jasper. "Please" Jasper kisses her head and steps away. Wanda turns to Emmett and smirks.

"Bring it, Witch"

"I'm not a witch," Wanda tells him back, she rolls her shoulders and claps her hands together before setting them at her side, she flicks out her fingers which start to glow red, her eyes brightening.

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now