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Wanda stares at some puddle on the ground outside of school the next morning, Pietro leans against the car watching her, she's having one of those days, it's some form of PTSD he is sure of it, it's not like they can just go to the doctors and talk to someone....to admit to someone that 200 years ago they left Sokovia, the first time...and they walked all the way to France.....from there they traveled, by boat, to London, better life they told themselves....it really wasn't a better life.....they lived on the streets for months before they met Doctor List....

"Morning" Alice cheers, Pietro looks to the smallest Cullen and smiles, Jasper at her side glances to Wanda.

"Morning, Wanda" Wanda doesn't answer, just stares.

"It's a bad day," Pietro tells them. "She gets them sometimes.....after the bombs"

"Posttraumatic stress disorder?" Pietro nods to Alice.

"She had a bad night" Jasper ignores Alice and Pietro and moves to Wanda, he gently places his hand on her shoulder and she turns her head to him, and then smiles.

"Jasper" she greets, he smiles back at her.

"Hello, Wanda, are you okay?" she nods.


"Bad day?" she nods and smiles a little. "That's okay.....we all get them" he touches her neck softly, she tilts her head and smiles a little more. "Oh," he reaches into his bag and pulls out a paper-wrapped object. "I got you something" she raises an eyebrow as he lifts her hand and places the parcel in it.

"What is it?" she asks quietly.

"Open it and find out" she runs her hand over the top of it and then pulls the packaging off of it.

"Romeo I Julija" she reads off the cover of the book. "In Sokovian" she smiles wider and looks to Jasper.

"I thought you..might prefer a copy in your native language" she hugs him, Jasper wraps an arm around her carefully. She really does smell like the South, he's even sure he can smell gunpowder.

"Thank you," she tells him softly, warmly. "No ones ever...." she pulls back and smiles at the book. Jasper smiles watching her. "Thank you," she tells him again as she starts to walk away, Jasper moves to walk at her side, she's already opening the book. Behind them, Pietro and Alice share a look.

"If your brother hurts her" he warns Alice who nods, understanding.

"I know, I'll hurt him as well," she tells Pietro softly, he smiles down at her.

"My sister is very important to me...It's been me and Wanda for.......so very long"

"What about your parents?" Alice asks.

"They died when we were very young...tuberculosis"

"I thought it's been pretty much eradicated"

"Sokovia is a third world...." Pietro explains.

"I'm sorry...I guess we kind of forget what goes on over there" Pietro shrugs.

"It happens" he mumbles, Alice takes his hand and squeezes.

"It shouldn't" Pietro lifts their joint hands and kisses the back of Alice's.

"You are a sweet girl, Alice....thank you" Jasper smiles listening to them before looking to Wanda, she's still got her nose stuck in that book, he grabs her arm and pulls her around a puddle, she smirks and glances to him, he smiles back at her.

"Thanks," she tells him.

"Your boots are not meant to get wet" he teases and they both look to her boots. She laughs and shakes her head.

"No, they are not.....we had to get whole new wardrobe for Amerika, coats, boots, scarf...." she looks to him. "First time I buy thick socks" he laughs and she takes his arm, feeding off his good mood, to erase her bad mood. Jasper glances to her and notes her eyes are a little more red, a little brighter, almost.....glowing.


Wanda curls up in the library with her new book during her free period, Pietro has mechanics, his new hobby. She smiles and without looking up talks.

"Jasper....stalking now?" he pauses and cocks his head.

"How did you know it was me?" she lowers her book and glances to him. She smiles.

"Hard to explain...." he sits beside her and looks around.

"This to do with....pathokinesis?" she lowers her book and stares at him.

"What?" her eyes wildly look around.

"You feel and can manipulate other people's emotions," he tells her. "You did it to me...."

"Please" she begs. "Please don't...." he looks to her and his smile drops, he's actually upset her. "Tell anyone"

"That's not what I....." Jasper sighs and takes the book from her and closes it. "I'm not going to tell anyone"

"Then why?"

"Because I am a pathokinetic as well" she frowns and shakes her head, he concentrates on her emotions and changes them, her pupils dilate and a flush creeps up her neck and over her cheeks.

"What did you do to me?" she asks breathing heavily, he smirks.

"I urm..." he raises his hand to her cheek and brushes his fingers over it. "How do you feel?"

"If you are really a pathokinetic, then you already know" she teases moving away from him. "So what now?"

"Now?" he shrugs. "Nothing" he hands her her book. "I just...." he sighs. "I didn't think....there was anyone like me" he whispers to her, she looks to him, he holds out his hand towards her, she glances to it before slotting her hand in his with a smile.

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