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𝒲illiam walked on the streets of Brooklyn, keeping a small distance between his tiny, older brother and the tall man next to him

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𝒲illiam walked on the streets of Brooklyn, keeping a small distance between his tiny, older brother and the tall man next to him. The sun was slowly rising in the distance, making the sky a portfolio of red and yellow. The air was slightly foggy and a couple of birds flew overhead.

He watched with distaste as the dark green military fabric fit Bucky quite well. "The 107th. Sergeant James Barnes, shipping to England ey?" Bucky glanced over his shoulder, letting William catch up to them. "Yeah, punk. Sounds like me," he said cheerfully, hooking the teenager under his arm.

William didn't mind, he was hurting, anyways. Not that it mattered, he was just afraid for the man. "Don't look so down now Willy, I will keep those Nazis in check. Besides, how could they hurt me? I'm James Buchanan Barnes, I'm like, unbeatable." he joked, trying to lift the somber mood that hung over the brothers like a storm cloud.

"I recall this one time I beat you on the run to home, you were unfit then, you're unfit now," William said annoyed, not missing the way Buck shook with silent laughter. "It's only because you knew your neighbour had left you some baked goods on your porch. You had a purpose."

William knew Bucky had let him win that day. But he would deny it.

On the train station, William watched bewildered how many women were crying over the young soldiers. Mothers were tucking roses into their sons' pockets, giving them the last piece of bread and bottle of milk.

"I told it to your brother before, I'll tell you the same. Don't do anything stupid until I come back, okay? Don't go saving objects that aren't yours to save." Will felt his cheeks redden in shame, Steve and Buck had teased him endlessly about it. "Yeah, yeah, and you come back alive."

"Oh trust me, punk, I will. I'll be back faster then you could say beret." Steve chuckled, making Will hit Bucky's arm in frustration.

"William has a point, stay safe out there, Sarge." they heard the last call to the train and William absolutely loathed that vehicle.

"I will, promise. See you two soon, I'll better catch my ride!"

And with that step on the train, William felt something in his heart tug.


From the train window, Bucky waved at the two brothers standing.

As the vehicle filled with soldiers became smaller and smaller, William still stood with Steve, both of their minds far, far away. Steve was longing for that, he wanted to help, but he was rejected every single time. But he was Steve Rogers, he could do it all day.

William, however, was starting to count days. He was going to enlist one day. He hadn't given much thought to it, hoping war would be over soon, but it didn't seem to be getting over any time in the near future.

"Hey, Steve?" William asked, dragging the e. Steve glanced over, looking at sulking William quizzically. "I think you should stop." the younger sibling said, ignoring Steve's intense gaze as he looked around the waking streets.

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