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𝒮ometimes wonderful things come to life, being made happen by terrible people

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𝒮ometimes wonderful things come to life, being made happen by terrible people.

As Mrs. Davis sat behind the kitchen table, leaning heavily against the wall the letter written by Rosa laying before her, William realized that this time it was he who was that horrible person. He was the most terrible human being as he watched Mrs. Davis' old eyes fill with tears too heavy for her fiery soul.

She hadn't even doubted in the authenticity of the letter. And that had surprised the young boy who had already memorized a whole speech as to why she should let him go.

"Oh Devil with you boy, always troubles. What am I going to tell your brother? I need to find someone who would accompany you. I can not let a kid wander the train stations by himself, especially a kid like you. A hooligan," all sympathy for Mrs. Davis was replaced with annoyance.

William Rogers was not a hooligan.


"Mrs. Davis, I appreciate your concern and all, but I can do it on my own, there are only two trains, you wouldn't want to spend money on me now would you? I mean, your niece's wedding is coming up 'nd all. Wouldn't want her wedding gift to be too cheap because you hired a poor sap to babysit a man who is, might I add, very capable of taking care of himself." he said, feeling confident. He didn't expect the old woman to whip around and narrow her eyes filled with fire at him.

"Boy, who do you take me for? Your mother was my friend and I promised to look after you, you imbecile." she fumed, folding the piece of paper carefully. William gulped, realizing it wasn't the best idea to rile the woman up. "You call yourself a man, while you go and get tossed around by a group of brainless fools in the middle of the day." she hissed, referring to Mack and his dancing monkeys.

Of course, it wasn't a secret, there was a crescent moon shaped bruise under Williams right eye, giving away that he had been in some sort of fight. The fair-haired boy crossed his arms protectively, almost as if he could shield himself from the spiteful woman. "Steve fought all the time, unlike him, I managed to come out a winner." What Mrs. Davis doesn't know won't hurt her.

The woman snorted, pushing herself up. That, she didn't believe. "Who are you trying to fool here, William?" the boy wanted to laugh and say you, but he kept his silence. "The whole neighborhood knows you and that pig Mulligan don't get along nicely. The family feud seems to be still in his blood."

William did not care about Mack Mulligan, nor about his blood that was filled with envy and sugar. "Well then, you claim to be a man who could make decisions on his own, yes? Well, you have five days, William, to prove me wrong. Because how I see it, you're a boy searching for his place in this awful world. But if I let you out of the nest far too early, you will fall down and might not be able to fix your wings."

The metaphor was lost to William.

Five days was enough time for William to figure out a great plan, there was absolutely no way Mrs. Davis was going to send a stranger to accompany William.

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