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William was not tired, the whole night he had stared at the ceiling of the dark coloured tent, tensing whenever another explosion echoed in the far distance

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William was not tired, the whole night he had stared at the ceiling of the dark coloured tent, tensing whenever another explosion echoed in the far distance.

What really unnerved him, was actually the silence. Numerous scenarios ran across his mind, were the Nazis coming, creeping in the dense forest while the camp was asleep? He knew there was patrol on all the sides with heavy weapons, but he was on edge nevertheless. He dozed off at times, but Johns soft snores seemed to be too loud. The commotion around the tents, the soft footsteps whenever someone walked past their tent had William hold his breath every time.

What if he was going to die there, like one of those lonely men who no one was ever going to miss? The sort of man whose bones would be buried into the strange soils and never to be found again?

Blue eyes wide as saucers, William left the tent in the early morning hours, leaving his new unit asleep as be crept outside, making sure to pull the dark coloured military coat closer to his shivering body. The forest was covered in fog, making William even more paranoid then he thought was possible.

He sighed in relief the moment he had pulled out the chain with the key to his home. It gave him a little peace, knowing that wherever he went, it would still be attached to him. And if he was to die in that day or the next one, his home would be right there, chained to his heart.

He squeezes his eyes shut, gripping the key as he placed a kiss upon the flat metal.

"It is good to have faith." a quiet, smooth voice startled him, making him drop the key as it fell onto his chest silently. He whipped around, wide blue eyes meeting the warm, dark ones of Elliot Mayer. "Sorry for startling you, it wasn't my intention." he said, stepping next to William who was tucking the key under his coat and shirt, he didn't want to lose it.

"It's fine, what got you up so early?" he asked instead, changing the subject as he clasped his clammy hands behind his back. He could see a flash of understanding in Elliot's dark eyes, but before he could get annoyed, Elliot averted his gaze. "I don't sleep much anyway, but you didn't sleep at all, did you?" William shook his head, not trusting his voice as he turned towards the forest.

No bombs had gone off in a while, he wondered why.

"You should have. But come on, let's get some breakfast, I have a feeling we're going to have a busy day today because Captain is still nowhere to be seen." Elliot said, gesturing towers the middle of the camp where the larger tents stood. William nodded, only then realising how empty his stomach really was.

"Have you been here long?" he stepped beside Elliot, walking beside him as they quietly manoeuvred around the tents filled with sleeping soldiers. "Yes, since the beginning, really. All of us have, except John. He and his twin brother appeared around a year ago." will quirked his eyebrow, looking so surprised he almost stumbled into someone's tent if it wasn't for Elliot's firm grip pulling him away. "I-I was not expecting that." the older man only hummed in response.

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