Blair came back later that afternoon. She had a thin jacket on, unzipped. The doctor that walked her to the room whispered something in her ear before kissing her cheek and closing the door. The second it latched, Blair went to her bed. Her blonde hair covered most of her face but I could see her eyes were red and full of tears.

She cried herself to sleep.

I looked over at Nicoli, who was watching her with a slightly worried expression on his face.

He met my gaze and rose his eyebrows, almost telling me that this was the intense feeling he was telling me about. He went back to reading his book as if nothing had happened.

The door opened then and James stepped into the room. He glanced at Blair before looking at me, a smile forming on his lips. "Hi, sweetheart."


He walked over to me and took my hand in his, sending electricity coursing through me. "Come for a walk with me."

I nodded and followed him from the room, my hand still in his. He led me down the hallway to a room marked 213. He unlocked the door with his key card and flipped the light switch on as we walked inside.

The room was empty but similar to mine. The beds were in the same place, the bathroom and kitchen in the same place, but there were no people inside.

The door shut behind us and James walked me to the bed that sat against the window. Outside was a beautiful garden with dozens of flowers planted in square flower beds and a fountain in the center of it. It was so stunning.

"It's so pretty." I said softly.

He moved so he was sitting beside me, placing his hands on the windowsill so his arms were caging me in, keeping me close to him. "Did you know this was out here?"

I shook my head.

He kissed my cheek. "I can take you out there, princess."

I looked back at him, excitement running through me. "Can we go now?"

"You're still recovering. I don't want you to get hurt."

I nodded. "Oh, okay."

"There's actually something I wanted to talk to you about." He pulled back, giving me space to turn around and face him. His right leg was hanging off the bed casually, like he did this often.

It made me jealous and angry.

But I shook that away. I wanted to hear what he had to say.

He took my hands in his. "Sterling... I want to make a baby with you."

My heart started beating fast in my chest. I wanted that so much. I loved him. Oh, gosh, did I love him. What better way to show him that then to have a baby with him? We could be a family and I could stay in his room and we would be together.

I smiled. "Okay."

His face remained serious. "There might be some people who don't want us to have a baby. You need to understand that."

I nodded slowly. I didn't quiet understand. Why wouldn't people want us to make a family? Why wouldn't they want us to be happy?

"Some people don't like seeing us together." He said, explaining all of this to me like I was five. Like he needed me to grasp the importance of it.


He let go of my hands and brushed the hair back from my face. "They think that it's wrong. They don't understand our love for each other."

"Maybe if I have a baby they will."

He shook his head. "No, sweetheart."

I turned my head to the side. "I don't understand."

"I need you to promise me that you won't let them turn you against me."

I shook my head quickly. Tears filled my eyes and my throat became tight. "I won't let that happen."

"Do you love me, Sterling?"

I froze and all the air escape my lungs. A smile played at my lips. "Of course I love you."

He pulled his leg up so he was sitting like I was. "Come here."

I crawled into his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You're my special little girl, do you know that?"

I smiled. I couldn't explain how good that made me feel. He loved me and he wanted to have a baby with me. I wasn't sure things could get any better for me. For us.

He pressed his lips to mine and a moan escaped my throat. My body was humming and the more he touched me, the more excited I got.

I wanted to make that baby right then and there.

He pulled back and put a finger over my lips. "Not yet, baby girl."

I groaned and pressed my forehead to his shoulder. "Why not?"

"You still need to get better before we can do anything."

"But I feel fine."

He lifted my head so our eyes met. "You're still fragile, princess. I don't want anything to happen to you. I can't lose you."

I hugged him tightly. "But soon?"

"Yes, sweetheart. Soon."

I looked back out the window, smelling the flowers even from several floors above. "Do you think you could pick me some flowers?"

"Mm, what kind would you like?"

I grinned. "Surprise me."

He kissed my cheek. "I'll bring you some tomorrow, okay?"

"How much time do we have together?"

"A little while. I have to take you back for dinner."

I frowned. "Why can't we eat together?"

"You need to get to know Nicoli and Blair."

"Can I ask you something?" I turned away from the window and faced him.

"Of course."

"Why can't Blair talk?"

"When she first came here, she lost her voice. Dr. Bailey taught her sign language so she can communicate with him."

"That's really nice of him."

He nodded, playing with my hair.

"Why hasn't Nicoli's doctor came to see him?"

"Dr. Everly has some work to do so she can't come see him."

"Did he hurt her?"

He looked up at me, surprised that I asked that. "Why do you think that?"

I pointed to my arm. "He has that cast. And he's always grumpy. I didn't know if he was mean and did something to her."

He chuckled. "Nicoli is harmless. We'd move you and Blair out of the room if we thought he would hurt you."

I sighed in relief. "Okay."

"Do you want to know why I picked you?"

I perked up and nodded. I was so curious to understand why James wanted me and not some other girl. It seemed he had a choice in the matter, which made me feel special.

"You're so beautiful. And you have a nice laugh. And you were the first to notice me when I entered the room."

"I don't remember any of that."

His expression saddened. "You were in a bad accident. We didn't know if you would make it. But you saw me and I just knew I had to save you."

I crawled back into his arms and leaned into his chest. "Thank you for saving me."

"I'd do it all over again, too."

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