Blair was right. The next morning, Dr. Bailey came for her. She didn't put up a fight as Nicoli had but she met my gaze to remind me of our plan.

I went into the kitchen to make something for breakfast. Nicoli was still sleeping and I was envious. I had a hard time sleeping without dreaming. My dreams were usually nightmares about this place. I didn't remember anything which made my job particularly difficult.

I sighed and glanced at the flowers. James would be coming to see me and I had to act like I didn't know anything. I had to be oblivious to what was going on. Well... the little that I knew about. If they found out I knew anything, they'd wipe my memory and I wouldn't be any good.

I managed to make it through breakfast without James coming for me. It was so peaceful and quiet. I could get used to it. Would it be so bad if I spent the rest of my life unaware?

"Something smells good in here."

I looked up and saw Nicoli walking in. His shirt was wrinkled and he had a thin layer of stubble on his face.

"There's extra on the stove if you're hungry."

He walked over and inspected the food. Then he grabbed a plate from the cabinet and took the rest from the pan. "Is he not coming to see you today?"

I shrugged and glanced back down at my plate. "I don't know."

"They get pretty busy. Jade usually forgets about me for a few days before she visits."

My forehead crinkled in confusion but I said nothing.

He sat down at the spot beside me and touched one of the orange flowers. "These are nice."

"Yeah. They're from the garden outside."

"You went out there?" He looked surprised.

"No, James did. I'm not allowed."

"Me neither." He mumbled.

I turned to face him. "Nicoli, how much do you remember?"

"What do you mean?"

"From before. Do you know who you are?"

He laughed. "Well yeah. I'm Nicoli. And you're Sterling. Did you forget?"

I sighed. "No, who you are. As in, who you were before you came here."

"I know bits and pieces. I couldn't cook. Still can't. I think I had a sister but that part's a little hazy."

I frowned. "I don't remember any of it. Why is that?"

"You were in an accident. I was too. The doctors had to heal us from our injuries and keep us here to protect us."

"Protect us from what?"

The door buzzed and opened and I felt the pull in my chest that let me know James was there.

I sat back in my seat and tried my best to act as aloof as possible.


"We're in here." I called back.

He walked in and there was a smile on his face. I tried to match it but I just wasn't happy enough.

I knew too much.

"Good morning, Sterling. Nicoli."

Nicoli waved at him, his mouth full of food.

He walked in and kissed the top of my head. "You're not eating much."

"I'm not that hungry."

He frowned and took my hand in his. "Let's go get you dressed and then we'll go. Nicoli, will you clean up breakfast?"

He nodded and swallowed what was in his mouth. "Yes, sir."

I followed James out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. He grabbed a sweater and pants for me and helped me undress. He seemed to want to help me with all of it rather than let me do it myself. I had to go along with my limited memory so I let him.

He stood to his full height and pressed his lips to mine. His hand curved around my cheek, holding my head up.

He pulled back and frowned. "Is everything alright?"

I nodded.

His thumb stroked my cheek and it was then that I realized I was so emersed in my thoughts that he noticed my distantness.

I threaded my fingers with his. "I didn't sleep very well last night."

"Why's that?"

I lowered my gaze to his chest, acting as innocent as I could. "Blair's not doing so well. Do you think it's safe for me to be in here with her?"

"She's just upset that Dr. Bailey left her yesterday. She's getting upset a lot lately."

"What if she hurts me? What if I'm pregnant and something happens?"

He kissed my cheek. "You're safe in here, Sterling. Trust me."

I nodded. Why was he downplaying this like it was nothing? He was the one who wanted me to be safe. I was only pushing it so he wouldn't get suspicious.

He took my hand and led me out of the bathroom. I could hear Nicoli doing the dishes in the kitchen.

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