Are You From Mars?

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Unsure if it was Chewie's insistent barking or the ever-increasing knocking at the door that woke him, Han groaned into his pillow before rolling out of bed. He trudged into the bathroom, wetting his toothbrush under the faucet. Neither the barking or knocking had ceased; only growing louder by the second.

"Chewie!" He shouted through the foam in his mouth, unable to ignore the noise any longer. "Enough!"

The sound of scampering paws could be heard as the furry dog came running back, stopping just in front of the bathroom doorway. His tail wagged back and forth as he watched the man spit into the sink.

"Who's at the door?" Han asked, rinsing the sink. "Huh, boy?"

Chewie stopped wagging his tail immediately.

"Oh boy." Han wiped his mouth with his sleeve, knowing this was a bad sign. "What could she want?"

The man sighed, leaving the bathroom and heading towards the front door. From the small window above, he caught a glimpse of the woman's high ponytail; her brown hair tied to the side and wrapped up in a pink scrunchie.

"Han!" She called. "I know you're awake! I heard you talking to Chewie!"

Han pulled back the door, revealing a very irritated and impatient Qi'ra standing there. "How could I not be? With the way you were knocking, I expected a damn SWAT team to barge in."

"Ha ha. Very funny." She rolled her eyes. "And here I thought the only time you weren't a comedian was in the morning."

"My wit never takes a break. It's part of the charm." He winked, stepping onto the porch. From behind, Chewie peered through the man's legs; his tail still lowered.
"So what's the emergency that sent you over here?"

Qi'ra looked to her Mercedes parked by the curb with a frown. "Something's wrong with it. It keeps stalling."

"Okay, I'll take a look at it." Han shrugged, remaining on the porch.

The brunette narrowed her eyes at him. "Then why are you just standing there?"

"I never said I'd do it right now," He retorted, turning to go back inside. "I have to get ready for work."

"And you think I don't have places to be?" She scoffed, grabbing onto his arm.

"The country club isn't exactly of the same importance," He pointed out.

"Fair enough," Qi'ra relented, crossing her arms. "Well, I don't want to keep you from your job. What are you doing this week? Still working construction?"

"No," Han frowned, looking away from the woman's curious stare. "That didn't work out. Wasn't my type of job."

"Oh, and serving ice cream at the mall was?" Qi'ra teased. "Or what about dressing up as a cow?"

"I think I will take a look at your car if it means getting you out of here," He said, pushing past her.

"Han, don't worry," She laughed, following after him. "I already made arrangements for another ride. He should be here any minute."

"He?" Han abruptly stopped on the driveway.

"Yes, my fiance," She smiled, holding up her hand.

Han examined the ring on her finger; his eyes growing wide. "With a rock like that, I could afford to go back to college. Congratulations, Qi'ra. I'm sure he's a swell guy."

As if on cue, a black Jaguar pulled up to the house and honked. With a grin still on her face, Qi'ra turned and waved to the car. "Yes, he is."

"I will come back tomorrow. Will it be ready by then?" She asked.

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