One Small Step For Man

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"Guys!" Luke exclaimed, never taking his eyes off the sphere the ship was headed towards. "This has to be where Leia's at! I can feel it!"

"Guys?" He turned around in the chair, his eyes widening at the sight of his friends slumped over in their seats.

"Oh shit, oh shit." He glanced side-to-side, beginning to panic.

"Uh... wake up!" He waved his hands in front of their lifeless faces, hoping that might do the trick.

Of course, nothing happened. They remained unconscious, breathing lightly through their slacked jaws.

The ship was nearing the sphere. Luke had to decide whether he was going to dock the ship inside the station or not. Seeing no other way to get inside besides crashing, he made his choice.

"Ship, I need you to dock inside this- this space station," He instructed.

"Understood. Preparing to dock," the computer replied.

Turning his attention back to his friends, Luke furrowed his brow and raised his hands, snapping his fingers. The men instantly woke with a gasp, still continuing to scream like before.

"Wait," Lando quickly stopped his screaming. "I don't feel any g-force. Does that mean- we're in space?!"

"Yeah," Luke chuckled. "You missed the whole launch! It was amazing!"

"I feel like I'm going to throw up," Han groaned, holding his stomach.

"So what's going on now? Do you know where we're heading?" Lando asked, edging himself away from Han.

As if on cue, the ship landed onto the space station with a rough jolt. All three of them jerked forward with it, grunting as they were slammed back into their chairs.

It wasn't a second later that they touched down that a series of heavy bangs on the door was heard.

"Open up!" A voice demanded from the other side.

"What do we do?" Lando huddled closer to his friends. "We have no weapons here, we're defenseless!"

"I'm not," Luke answered, stepping in front of the men. With a wave of his hands, the door slid open. Immediately, a quartet of Stormtroopers rushed in, pointing their blasters at the men.

"Identify yourselves!" One shouted. His voice was clear despite the helmet he wore.

Luke raised his hand upwards into the air and with it their blasters. The Stormtroopers looked on in stunned silence at their floating weapons before Luke's hand slammed down, smashing the blasters over their helmets.

"Now we don't have to worry about getting caught." Luke gestured to the Stormtroopers' sprawled out bodies.

"R-Right," Lando stammered beside Han, both men continuing to gape at their friend.

Luke moved over the nearest Stormtrooper, kneeling beside him. "I know Leia is here. You two should have no trouble finding her."

"Wait," Han suddenly spoke up, breaking out of his stupor. "What about you?"

Luke didn't even blink when he answered. His usual gentle gaze had hardened with determination.

"I am going to find Vader."


Leaning her head back against the cool metal, Leia sighed with impatience as she looked up at the ceiling. It was black just like everything in this cell, like everything on this ship.

How long had she been in here?

Several minutes, maybe even several hours. It was impossible to tell in here where all sense of time was lost to her.

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