One Giant Leap For Mankind

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Meanwhile, Han and Lando escorted the captive Leia through the massive station, acting if she were their prisoner. They had already thought of an answer in case anyone were to stop and ask why Leia was out of her cell.

Truth be told, it had been more of Leia's idea than anything. She was the one who came up with the excuse she had been ordered by the Emperor to the throne room.

"So what is this place?" Han whispered, leaning in closer to Leia.

"The Death Star," she replied, keeping her gaze straight ahead.

"Well, that doesn't sound too good," he muttered.

Leia never turned her head back as she answered. "No, this weapon was created to destroy planets. I've seen it firsthand."

"And they brought it here... To our galaxy..." Han trailed off, realizing the implication. "But why? Earth isn't involved in any of this."

"I could think of a couple of reasons." Leia scowled at a couple of Stormtroopers that passed by. "Vader is certainly vindictive enough to destroy the planet that kept his son from him."

The trio turned a corner, seeing a large red door to the side of them. Both Han and Lando paused, but Leia kept walking forward. Turning back to see they weren't following, she called to them:

"What are you waiting for? You need to escort me in."

"Wait, we can't just walk in there," Lando protested. "And what do you expect to do without a space sword?"

"When we enter, say that you have brought me here," she instructed.

"And that will work?" Han questioned.

"Just follow my lead. Because unlike you two, I form plans ahead of time." She turned back around, strolling up to the door.

Seeing that she was waiting for them to open the door, Han went up to it and attempted to push it back. It wouldn't budge, no matter how hard he tried.

"Hey, Lando, give me a hand over here!"

Lando immediately came to his friend's side, putting his hands on the door and pushing it. Leia just watched on with an amused expression that it took both men to open it.

As it slowly swung forward, the three of them stepped forward into the room. It was just as black as the rest of the station, but unlike the rest of the Death Star, it was not as brightly lit. It was dim here, casting shadows where only empty space was.

The throne room was wide, but the lack of objects made it seem even more spacious. But perhaps the nearly-empty room was the point. Because whoever entered was instantly drawn to the throne placed in the middle of the room, making it impossible to keep your eyes off of. Surrounding the throne was a circle of guards in crimson, dressed in completely different armor than the white ones. Even in the murky lighting, Han could tell they had a weapon similar to a pike.

Han could hear the familiar breathing of Vader from somewhere in the room as he approached. He could barely make out his figure to the side of the throne along with another standing next to him.

Leia suddenly stopped and the men followed suit. From where they stood, which was much closer than before, Han still could not clearly see. The figure atop the throne was hardly more than a shadow in a cloak.

"The prisoner, your Majesty," Han announced just like Leia had told him. He even improvised a little, using the end of his blaster to push Leia first. She was even caught off-guard, giving him a slightly outraged look back.

"I do not remember sending for her yet." The Emperor's voice was strange and high-pitched, reminding Han of a witch.

"Oh, well we brought here because we knew you would send for her soon, your Majesty," Lando quickly answered without missing a beat.

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