Written in the Stars

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A slimy, wet tongue ran across Han's face, waking him instantly.

"Ugh! Chewie!" He rose up from the bed, wiping the saliva off his face. But Chewie didn't care, he just kept wagging his tail and kept licking his human.

Han rubbed his weary eyes, trying to figure out where he was. He knew was on Earth, but that didn't add up. His last memory was being out in space...

"In breaking news, space debris is continuing to fall out of the sky and into the oceans," A voice announced from the other room.

Hearing this report, Han followed the voice, staggering out of bed and into the living room. He flinched, seeing Luke standing there in front of the TV.

"Hey," He greeted with a smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Luke?" Han squinted his eyes. "What is going on?"

Luke chuckled. "I think this should tell you."

Han stepped closer to the TV, staring at the footage of space debris hurtling into Earth with the speed of a meteorite and then crashing into the water.

"Is this the place we were at? How did it get destroyed?" Han gaped at Luke.

"It's a long story, but I'm sure Lando will tell you."

"Wait," Han frowned. "Why not you?"

Luke's eyes softened. "I'm not staying here, Han. I'm going back with Leia."

Han's shoulder slumped. "She's- She's leaving? When?"

"Pretty soon. She was just waiting for you to wake up," He replied, seeing Han grab his truck keys.

"Well." Han turned around, opening the door. "I'm awake."


As soon as the truck came to a stop, Han and Chewie jumped out and ran towards the ship. Lando was already there, giving the ship one last check before launch off.

"Solo!" Lando waved to him. "You're awake!"

"Yeah, but where's Leia?" He asked.

Lando laughed at his friend's impatience. "Relax, she's inside."

"Thanks." Han darted past him. He had just stepped foot inside when something in his peripheral vision caught his attention.

"Leia," He called to the woman, who was standing over her control panel and starting at the new coordinates she had entered.

She flinched, turning around at the sound of her name. "Han, I'm glad you're awake. You took quite the hit."

"I'll still don't even remember anything. I guess I'll have to ask Lando." He shrugged, coming closer.

She smiled. "The Emperor was about to strike me with lightning. But you blocked it." Her smiled faded. "How could you be so stupid? You should have known that would kill you!"

"Just as ungrateful as ever," He teased. "That's one thing I won't miss about you."

"So you'll miss me then?" She smirked, folding her arms over her chest.

For the first time, Han was at a loss for words, scrambling to play it cool. "Well, I won't not miss you."

Leia burst out laughing. "If there's something I'll miss about you, it's your ability to make me laugh."

"Well, I'm glad for that then." Han started fumbling with his fingers, letting an awkward pause come over them.

"What will you do when you return?" His tone had turned serious.

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