E.T., Go Home!

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As the figure began to descend down the dune, Chewie only grew more frenzied, forcing Han to grab him by his collar.

"Chewie, calm down!" He ordered, struggling to hold the massive dog.

The figure came to a halt a few feet away from them, putting away its humming blade and attaching the hilt to its belt. "I sense you are confused and frightened, but mean no harm."

Hearing a woman's voice was not what he expected, but that proved to be the least strange thing about the figure. Now that she was in clear of him, he could make out her unusual appearance. Her hair was wrapped in two, large buns at both sides of her head. She wore a white gown that flowed in the breeze, revealing a slit at her right leg.

However, Han's eyes were immediately drawn to her normal, brown eyes. Weren't they just glowing a few seconds ago?

"Okay, what is going on? What are you doing out here?" Han demanded over the dog's continuous growling and barking.

The woman straightened up, narrowing her eyes. "Can you please control your beast?"

Han scoffed. "Beast? Look, lady, I don't know who you think you are, but my dog is not a beast."

"I am Leia Naberrie Organa. Daughter of Padme Naberrie of Naboo and Bail Organa of Alderaan," She answered. "And that creature is a beast. One I wish you could control."

Han dropped to his knees, petting Chewie's fur in order to soothe him. "Yeah, sure. I think you must have hit your head pretty hard to spew all that mumbo jumbo." He pointed to the dried blood and bruises on her face.

She touched her temple, feeling the tender skin. "Yes, my ship did crash into the ground pretty rough, which is all the more why I need your help."

Han raised his eyebrow. "My help? I'm sure NASA will be here any second to retrieve their property."

"What is 'NASA?'" Leia frowned.

Han sighed, rising to his feet. "You know what? I'm just going to call the cops."

He started to walk away, tugging at Chewie's collar so he could follow. However, he had only taken a few steps when he suddenly couldn't take any more. Han strained forward, trying desperately to move his feet; to move anything.

It was as if something was holding him in place.

"I didn't want to do that, but you left me no choice." Leia's hand was raised towards Han, wavering slightly in the air. "You cannot just walk away."

"Just what the hell are you doing?!" Han's eyes shifted around wildly, struggling to break free of her invisible hold. "I can't help you! That's what the police are for!"

"The authorities will be of no use," Leia stated. "I am unfamiliar with this planet, hence why I need you to be my guide."

"The only help you need is from a psych ward!" He shouted as Chewie begun barking once more.

Leia glared back. "Earthling, I can make you help me if you resist. So you will either agree or I will use the Force."

Han opened his mouth to retort, but the memory of that green blade prevented him from speaking. Is that what she meant by force? Whatever that weapon was, it certainly didn't look harmless. Or sound painless, for that matter.

But that weapon only raised more questions in his mind. Where had it come from? Who developed it? If this woman was really of some importance, like an astronaut or government official, then her high-tech blade would make sense.

It was as if a light bulb went off in his head. If she was some sort of top dog, then perhaps he should help her...

"Alright," He sighed. "If I act as your tour guide, then what's in it for me?"

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