Seeing Stars

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It was evening when they returned. The scent of an imminent rainstorm flooded Han's nostrils, mixing with the dirt to create a sweet smell. However, the darkened clouds were still off in the distance, gathering in the horizon.

"While we have rain where I'm from, it doesn't quite smell like this," Leia commented, sniffing the air.

"What does it smell like?" Han asked, heading for the front door.

"Nothing really," she answered with a shrug of her shoulders. "I never knew rain could have such a pleasant smell. It's one of the things I like about Earth."

Han could hear a tinge of sadness in her voice as he inserted the key into the lock. He quickly turned around, seeing that she was looking to the sky longingly.

Pulling away from the door, Han trudged up to her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Hey, what's wrong now?"

She shifted her gaze from the sky. "I'm just feeling homesick all of a sudden. It's nothing to worry about."

She removed herself from his hold. "Come on, let's go inside."

Han's shoulders slumped. So much for trying to show a little bit of sympathy.

He stuck the key back in, turning the doorknob as Leia waited to the side. He let Chewie run inside first, then allowing Leia to go since she was so impatient. Still struggling with taking the key out of the lock, Han did not notice Leia immediately pause after taking just a few steps.

"Something's wrong," She whispered into the darkness.

Han yanked the key out, nearly running into Leia as he stepped forward. "What-"

At the same moment, Chewie pulled back his canines with a snarl, growling into the pitch-black hallway.

"Chewie, what's wrong?" Han asked as he moved past Leia.

"Han..." Leia started to say, glancing around the den.

"Chewie, nobody's here. It's just us." He hovered over the dog, trying to see what in the world he was growling at. He had never seen Chewie so upset before nor had he heard him growl this much. "Quit it!"

The sudden hum of a lightsaber echoed through the shadows as a red glow washed over the two of them. Han barely had time to process the black figure standing in front of him in the hallway before a rush of footsteps sounded through the house. In a matter of seconds, white figures wearing full-on armor surrounded the den. In their hands, were black guns and they were each pointed at either him or Leia.

"What the-" Han couldn't even finish his thought. His mind was racing as it took in the sight. These things couldn't possibly be more bounty hunters, could they? They didn't look as raggedy. No, these people looked more orderly.

More official.

Having only a loose grip on Chewie, the dog was able to pounce towards the nearest figure in white, tackling him to the ground instantly.

This was enough to send Han into action. Knowing these people had guns, he grabbed the nearest one, trying to wrestle it from his grasp. Even punching the 'soldier' several times didn't do anything since he was wearing a helmet. The most that happened was Han bruising his own knuckles.

"Chewie! A little help here!" He called amidst the chaos. The dog ran over, knocking the soldier down and allowing Han to take the blaster.

"Thanks. Now stand back." He aimed the blaster at the other soldiers, prepared to shoot them. But upon seeing them in the same position as before, not firing their weapons, Han lowered the blaster.

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