16 | chapter sixteen

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Niklaus Wade

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Niklaus Wade

             My insomnia is being a real pain in the butt right now but there isn't much I can do about it but lay here while my eyes take in every detail of my ceiling. The chandelier that hangs on the ceiling isn't turned on, it's just up there with it's jewels shimmering in the darkness of the quiet room. The tiny diamonds at the tips of each little edge shines, twinkling as the moonlight coming from my windows hits it, creating a beautiful seen above my walls that I never get sick of.

I see different shadows of shapes that the light fixture creates and it mesmerizes me, giving my eyes something to look at, something to keep my mind off of instead of the impending nightmare I'm most likely going to drift off into once I inevitably fall asleep. My eyes remain open even though I'm slowly falling asleep because I didn't want to float off into a dream that'll make me question my feelings for Nash. I didn't want there to be anything that deters me from my decision, I wanted Nash so bad.

It's hard to rip myself away from the happiness I've already experienced from him, hard to throw away the guts it took for me to approach him first and officially accept him. I couldn't take any of that back, I wouldn't. I shift in my bed, turning to my side, staring at the poster of Tom Holland that's mounted on the wall of my room. He's my favorite superhero but that's probably because he's adorable, a small bean that spoiled things and couldn't keep his mouth shut much like Hazel.

I wouldn't say that Spider-Man is my favorite hero in the entire world but I did really love the guy behind the mask that played the half spider half human specie. A gentle smile appears on my lips and I adjust my head that lays on my pillow. Nash hates the poster with a passion. I've even caught him coming into the room and try to rip it off my walls but I stop him every time. He doesn't say it and I'm not sure he'll ever admit to it but I'm pretty sure he's jealous that I get to watch Tom Holland in all his goodness 24/7.

Every time he comes into my room, and he comes inside my room often, the first thing he does is pull me into his arms. The feeling of his warmth engulfing me entirely made goosebumps burst onto my skin and tingles spread throughout my entire body. I would never get tired of describing his every feature or exalting how great he truly has been to me. No one has made me feel the way he has, sometimes I felt like this was all just...too good to be true.

That I'd wake up from this dream and my life would be exactly like how it was before. Sometimes I think this is just some cruel joke and with a snap of a finger Nash won't be my mate, I'll be mateless and unhappy just like I was before. Of course, even if that didn't happen I still knew that there were people who didn't want Nash and I to be together. There were people who were only plotting against me, there were people who still wanted to take away any type of happiness I had in life.

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