Chapter Twenty

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Outside in the fresh air, "Five, six, seven, eight...Bifur, Bofur...that's ten...Fili, Kili...that's twelve...and Bombur­ that makes thirteen. Where's Bilbo? Where is our Hobbit? Where is our Hobbit?!" says Gandalf counting down the Company. 

"Curse the Halfling! Now he's lost?!" says Dwalin. "I thought he was with Dori!" says Gloin. "Don't blame me!" says Dori. "Well, where did you last see him?" says Gandalf. 

"I think I saw him slip away, when they first collared us." says Nori. "What happened exactly? Tell me!" says Gandalf. 

"I'll tell you what happened. Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He's thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since first he stepped out of his door! We will not be seeing our Hobbit again. He is long gone. Victo..." Thorin says but then..."No, he isn't." said Bilbo stepping out from behind a tree. 

"Bilbo Baggins! I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life!" says Gandalf. Bilbo strides forward into the group; he pats Balin affectionately on the shoulder. "Bilbo, we'd given you up!" says Kili. "How on earth did you get past the Goblins?!" says Fili. 

"How, indeed." said Dwalin. There is an awkward silence as Bilbo tries to think what to say. In the end, he gives a nervous laugh and puts his hands on his hips. Gandalf is the only one to notice Bilbo sliding the Ring into his waistcoat pocket. Gandalf looks a bit perturbed. "Well, what does it matter? He's back!" says Gandalf. 

"It matters! I want to know: why did you come back?" says Thorin. "Look, I know you doubt me, I know you always have. And you're right, I often think of Bag End. I miss my books. And my armchair. And my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home. And that's why I came back, cause you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can." says Bilbo. 

After he speaks, there is silence as the Dwarves think about what Bilbo said. Gandalf smiles slightly, happy that Bilbo has changed so much ­ for the better.

 But then they hear Wargs. "Out of the frying pan," said Thorin. "and into the fire." said Victoria. 

"RUN!" said Gandalf. And the Company runs until they reach a cliff where they had to stop. "Up into the trees." said Gandalf. 

And they climb the trees, and from above they can see the Wargs, the Orc's and the one who is hunting them, "Azog." said Victoria and Thorin at the same time.

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