Chapter Twenty One

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  • Dedicado a Ashley Garcia

Chapter Twenty One:

Adrienne’s Point Of View:

I felt a sudden jolt of happiness and power, I’d scared of a vampire!-I smiled, completely forgetting that the wolves-and Jacob-were standing there now in their human forms, Jacob pushed past his fellow pack members-who had questioning looks on their faces-to get to me. Jacob cupped my face in his hands.

‘Adrienne…are you alright?’ Jacob demanded. ‘Why aren’t you with Bella and Edward?’

I put my hands on his and nodded.

‘I’m fine’ I insisted. ‘All the lovey-dovey stuff was getting on my nerves, so I ditched them’ I lied, looking anywhere but Jacob’s eyes.

‘You could’ve gotten yourself killed!’ Jacob hissed….oh here we go.

‘But I didn’t, was you not watching me?-I had her on her knees Jacob, I could finish her off only if you’d let me-‘Jacob lifted his hand to cut me off.

‘No…you’re not fighting and I’ve told you why’ Jacob said, dropping his hands from my face.

‘But, Jacob I-‘

‘No! Adie, you’re not fighting and that’s final!’ Jacob yelled, causing me and everyone else to flinch.

I pushed him away and narrowed my eyes at him, why is he being so controlling? I’m not a child…not even my mother would treat me like this. I must’ve looked really pissed off because Jacob looked worried, he stepped forward and took my hand.

‘Jake…I think you should back up a little’ Quil suggested…But stubborn Jacob wouldn’t listen, instead he took my other hand and bent his head lower so he can see my face.

I pulled my hands out of his grip and pushed him away again, but this time with more force. ‘I’ll never get to an Avatar while I’m with you!’ I seethed at Jacob who looked like he might cry-I couldn’t look at that, it hurt too much so I ran, in the same direction I came from when I stormed away from Bella.

I ignored Jacob’s calls, I needed to get far away from La Push as possible, I have to do what most English girls do when they’re having a shitty day-drink ‘til you can’t feel anymore.

 Jacob’s Point Of View:

I watched as Adrienne’s face went from soft and innocent to hard and angry, he eyes narrowed, her jaw clenched and her fists balled and I swore I saw steam puffing out of her ears. I’d never seen Adrienne look at anyone like that-not even Callum and that’s what hurt the most.

I stepped forward and took her hand in mine, Quil shuffled forward and made a stupid suggestion ‘Jake…I think you should back up a little’ instead I ignored him and took Adie’s other hand and gave her a pleading look, I didn’t want her to fight, Carlisle said it’s a fight with lives lost-I couldn't risk loosing Adie.

Adrienne pulled her hands out of my grip and pushed me away again but this time with more force then she said something I’d probably never forget.

‘I’ll never get to be an Avatar while I’m with you!’ Adie seethed at me…her voice pierced through my skin and grazed my heart, I was going to ask her what she meant by that but she began to turn and make a run for it.

‘Adrienne!’ I yelled, starting to go after her when Paul and Sam blocked my way, I really haven’t got time for this. ‘Get outta my way’ I growled, trying and failing to push past them.

‘I think you should let her be on her own for a while’ Paul advised, pushing me back.

‘We need to talk about this Avatar stuff’ Sam added, in his commando tone.

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