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Pulling on a pair of white gloves, Willow took to handling the delicate items in front of her. She had been tasked with cataloguing things in one of her regular museums. Technically cataloguing wasn't part of her job description, but she didn't mind lending a hand in doing it. It was after all a rather tedious part of the job. But also highly interesting.

Willow loved to see things which hadn't seen the light of day for perhaps hundreds of years. Numbering the item, writing the number and description down in the notebook, she put the item to the side. Letting out a yawn, she looked up at the clock. She had been cataloguing items for about four hours. It was the longest she'd ever done it for. Sure, she did have breaks, and she did have an hour for lunch. But Willow was starting to lose her focus.

Standing up and grabbing her jacket from the locker in the small staff room, she picked up her bag and walked out. She briefly told someone she was leaving and she'd finish tomorrow. Then she was gone. It was dark out by the time she left the museum. Cold and damp, it seemed like it had rained since she arrived earlier on. Willow shrugged and made her way to the train station. She would get a taxi home but it worked out more expensive. Trains, although dingy and creepy and usually full of seedy people of the city, they were less expensive and quicker.

Once her train arrived, she smiled happily and shuffled in. The train wasn't that busy this evening, which was odd considering it was rush hour time. Standing up, when the numerous stations flashed by she made her way to the nearest door and awaited for the train to stop when her station came up. Willow shuffled out of the train and walked quickly up and over the stairs. Walking through the station building, she sighed happily. She liked going to work, but she loved coming back to the area of the city in which she lived in. There really wasn't anywhere quite like home.

Willow turned on her heels and walked down the street. The street lamps by now were all on and illuminated her way. Frowning when a pair of footsteps echoed out behind her she looked over her shoulder. It wasn't just one person, someone else had slinked out of the alley she just past and joined the original stalker. Willow didn't know if he was a stalker, but he was stalking her right now. The numbers grew from two to four over the next few moments. Running would be bad. Running resulted in them running and then in them catching her. Willow ran a hand down her face.

"Reformed. I'm reformed." She whispered to herself and yelped when a hand clutched onto her arm from a nearby alleyway. "What the hell?! Do you just lurk in alleyways for a past time?!" She shouted out and shook the grip from her arm. Only the hand had other ideas and tightened. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Let me go you alley lurking freak!" Willow shouted and pulled backwards.

"There's some fight in this one guys." The man who was clutching onto her said.

Willow frowned. "There's some fight in this one guys." She mimicked, the man holding her narrowed his grey eyes down at her. Willow feigned innocence and smiled. "Where do you get off attacking a young defenceless woman, huh? Can't approach women normally, so you ambush them when they're at their most vulnerable?" By now, while she was talking the other four men had circled them. "Five on one, not fair is it?"

"Oh! She wants a fight." Someone said from behind her.

Willow frowned and looked over her shoulder. "No. I've reformed. I don't fight anymore. I'm a good law abiding woman. I even have a job now, that's how much I've reformed."

The men just stared at her not knowing really what to say. Actions spoke louder then words, one of the men reached out and grabbed her other arm. Willow screamed. A hand went around her mouth to shut her up. Rolling her eyes she stopped struggling and went completely limp. The men thought she'd passed out and laid her on the ground.

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