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"So, neither of you work?"

"No." Jonathan and Willow answered in unison.

"Well that's a lie, I do have a job of sorts. Just a not an everyday one."

Luke drunk some of his milk and looked at her. "What do you do all day then?"

"I sit around, read, watch television...the usual."

Jonathan drunk some coffee and frowned when both of them were looking at him. He didn't realise that he had to answer the boys question. Lowering the cup and putting it back on the table, he looked at Willow. She smiled and leaned her head against her hand. "I work. But it's not a job which other people have."

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you."


"I just can't."

"But why?"

Jonathan frowned and narrowed his eyes at Luke. "If I tell you. The result won't be good, believe me. She," he pointed at Willow. "Didn't take it well. You, who is a good nineteen years younger than her, won't take it well either."

"Are you like...in the mob or something?" Luke's question caused Willow to choke on her toast and for Jonathan to narrow his eyes in his direction again. "Yeah I heard on the news yesterday that the Russian dude got arrested." Luke said while thoughtfully picking at his toast.

Jonathan and Willow looked at each other. "The Chechen, is in custody?" Willow mused.

"Seemingly, yes."

"So, what now?"

"We strive for something else." Jonathan nodded. "I'm just not sure what that something else is yet."

Luke looked between them each time they talked. "You two are weird." They both looked at him. "You talk about some really odd stuff."

"We need a newspaper," Willow looked up from her empty plate to Jonathan. Looking to Luke she smiled. "Hey kiddo, wanna go out?" Luke nodded and jumped down from the table and ran off to find his trainers.

"How could the kid get this piece of information, yet we didn't?" Jonathan frowned.

"Clearly the kid likes the news."

"Hm," musing Jonathan drunk some more of his coffee as Luke came running back in. He was tugging on his jacket.

"Ready?" Willow stood up.

"Yes." Luke beamed.

"Washed? Brushed your hair?"

"Yes and yes."

Smiling Willow whistled and watched as Hannibal bounded through the door. He took to leaping up at her. Putting his lead on she passed it to Luke. Looking back at Jonathan, Willow smiled. "We won't be long."

"If possible, get as many papers as you can on this article. You know what journalists are like. They have a habit of rewording things differently to each other."

Willow pouted. "I'm not coming home with five different newspapers."

"Don't forget online articles." Luke piped up. Willow and Jonathan looked at him. "What? You telling me neither of you have a laptop?"


"What? For real?" Luke looked at them both shocked. "I have one back home. We could go get it."

Smiling Jonathan stood up and put his empty mug in the sink. "Perhaps we can go get it later, Luke." Luke looked up at him happily, Willow frowned lightly and eyed him up sceptically. That was the first time Jonathan had actually acknowledged Luke instead of keeping on calling him 'boy' or 'kid'.

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