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Things from that moment didn't improve much. Jonathan decided he'd pay the security room a visit. He took the tape which had them entering the building. He had to sneak past the guard which was in the room though. Although that was no problem. He got the tape and then exited the room. When he exited the room, Willow was where he'd left her. Leaning, head downcast against a wall. She didn't even look up when he leaned against the wall next to her.

She jolted suddenly and looked at him. "It's all right, Willow." Jonathan smiled when Willow went to say something, only she didn't and looked back at the floor. When the anchor which was keeping him down was gone, he felt relieved. Jonathan found a whole new sense of self. Although that sense of self led him from one job to another, mentally scarring people as he went, and unfortunately staying in Arkham.

"Excuse me, are you both all right?" A nurse appeared in front of them. Willow stared at her like she'd spoken another language.

"We're fine, she's just received some bad news." Jonathan lied, brilliantly. The nurse made a quiet, "Oh," sound before smiling sympathetically and moving on.

"Bad news?" Willow flinched. "What bad news?!" She looked up at him with wide eyes.

Jonathan frowned. "Your family."

"Sue and Kevin?"

"No." Jonathan put an arm around her shoulders and led her down the corridor. Looking up at the ceiling he let out a slow sigh. Why did Willow's brain have the habit of erasing traumatic experiences? It truly was quite annoying. When they got outside Jonathan turned Willow to look at him. "Willow, you confronted your family. Do you remember this?"

"...Sort of." She looked troubled.

"They're dead."

"Ah?! W-what...? But...oh," Willow stopped and hit herself on the head. It was quite a hard hit because it thudded painfully.

Jonathan grabbed a hold of her hands when she repeated hitting herself three more times. "Stop doing that dear, you may damage your brain."

Willow rolled her eyes. "That stupid woman!" Willow said annoyed. "Good. I'm glad, yes. Good...it's good they're dead...did they die quickly?"

"Most likely, no. I used quite a concentrated dose. Although yes, it works quickly, it'd make their minds reel and suffer for several minutes to half an hour before their body couldn't take anymore."



"You killed my family."

"I'm aware of that."

Willow's face scrunched up slightly as she started to cry again. Jonathan pulled her close to him thinking it was shock and grief. "That's one of the best things anyone has ever done for me."

Jonathan frowned and put her at arm's length. Perhaps it wasn't grief. Willow seemed to be a lot more psychologically screwed up than he first ever imagined. He didn't have much regard to human life, not when it proved interesting when it came to his experiments. But he had the presumption that Willow regarded human life wisely. He thought that she would avoid someone dying anyway possible. Jonathan couldn't think of a moment where someone had died and she found out, that she hadn't complained, or had a dramatic moment.

Willow frowned at him. "You look creepy."

Jonathan rolled his eyes. "Charming. I kill your family, and you call me creepy."

"I said you look creepy, Jonathan. You just smiled...really...really...really creepily. Like," Willow paused to put a finger to her chin in thought. "Like...a sudden realisation had pottered into your head. Actually your creepy little smile, although cute and rather endearing, was very similar to the way you randomly creepily smile when you've hatched something up."

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