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Looking up at the apartment building, with its smashed windows and screaming inhabitants, Jonathan jumped off from the crate he was sitting on. Hannibal perked up and looked in his direction. Tilting his head to the side, he watched as people tried to climb down the fire escape ladders. Most of them fell to the ground with sickening thuds. Looking skywards when a black shadow flitted over to the building, Jonathan smiled and reached into his jacket. Pulling out a detonator he waited and watched as Batman climbed through one of the smashed windows.

"In the words of Willow, kaboom." Jonathan said simply while pushing down on the red button. Fire erupted out of the windows and out of any other space. With the added fact that his toxins were slightly flammable the whole building went up in seconds. The petrol cans added to the fire too, of course. "You tell her I quoted her, and so help me I may take it back and start testing on animals." Jonathan frowned down at Hannibal, he tilted his head to the side. "I'm talking to a dog...you can't answer me. Oh good God, her ways are rubbing off on me." Jonathan mumbled and hung his head in his hands. Looking up when there was a crashing sound again, he narrowed his eyes and pushed his glasses more up his nose. "Of course you'd survive. Was I expecting that little explosion to kill you? No, I wasn't." Jonathan said simply while Batman flitted and landed with a thud a little in front of him.

"Crane. I have to admit you're a little later than what I expected."

"Sorry, we don't all stick to a strict regime like you clearly do." Jonathan pocketed the detonator and put his hands in his pockets.

"Where do you plan to go from here?"

"You answer my questions, and I won't blow up more buildings." Jonathan put his hand on the wall next to him. "Like this building right here."

Batman looked up at the building and then at him. "Since when were you suicidal, Crane?" He smirked.

"It was worth a shot." Jonathan shrugged. "Where did you take her? I know you had something to do with it. If you've arrested her, and she's currently in a cell, your little Commissioner friend is going to have to quickly escape a burning building."

Batman shook his head. "She's not."

"So where is she?"

"Are you that ignorant to Willow and her wants, and likes, that you have no clue where she is?" Batman smirked. "This is rather priceless, I have to admit." Jonathan narrowed his eyes. "I'm not telling you. Would you like a five minute head start however?"

Jonathan rolled his eyes and turned on his heels, Hannibal followed after him. Rummaging in his pocket he pulled out the detonator again. "Kaboom." The building next to them shuddered and started to collapse. Looking over his shoulder he smiled. "I'm not suicidal, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested to see what happens to a building which will collapse on another. Dominoes, I never liked the game, but it suddenly seems so interesting now." Jonathan waved at Batman and diverted down an alley. Picking up his pace he quickly looked at Hannibal who easily kept pace with him. Jonathan pulled a face and quickly dodged out of the way of a piece of falling wall. He should have seriously rethought this plan over before going through with it.

Slowing down he kicked his feet while walking. Looking up at the isolated and deserted street, Jonathan sighed and caught his breath as he walked slowly down the cracked pavement. The street lamps flickered and spluttered trying to give light, and failing. Crossing the road, Jonathan pushed open the rusty gate and walked up the pavement and stopped and looked over the huge wooden double doors. Pushing one of the doors open with difficulty, he peered in.

"Hannibal," he whispered when the dog had budged past him and ran down the aisle. Jonathan rolled his eyes and groaned. "Why couldn't she have taken you with her?" He mumbled and walked into the building.

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