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The annoying, repetitive dull ring was what woke Jonathan up, annoyingly. Opening his eyes he looked at Willow who was still asleep. How did she manage to sleep through the phone ringing? It was so annoying. How could anyone sleep through something so annoying? Where there was a will there's a way, Jonathan thought while sitting up slowly. He didn't want to wake Willow up, she looked comfortable and content in her sleep.

Reaching down, Jonathan grabbed onto the first items of clothing which belonged to him before shuffling quietly out of the room. Pulling his shirt on, he stopped near the phone and picked it up. "Hello?" He asked a little tense. He was expecting a Russian voice to echo on the other end telling him when he wanted the mass produced toxins by.

But no, instead a calm female voice spoke from the other end. "Good morning sir, this is Gotham City General, is a Miss Willow Butler there, please?"

"She's actually still in bed, she was working yesterday." Jonathan said. It was a partial truth. She was working in the museum and then helping him with the toxins. The rest of the evening was completely recreational. "Can I take a message for you?" Jonathan ran a hand through his bed ruffled hair and reached down for a piece of paper and a pen in case the woman said yes.

Luckily enough, "Yes, can you please tell her that Mrs Bailey is asking for her again, please?"

Jonathan frowned at this. Who was Mrs Bailey and why did she want Willow? Nonetheless he jotted the message down. "Sure, I'll tell her when she's up. Is that all?" Jonathan asked trying to hurry the end of the conversation up. He wanted to question Willow about this.

"Yes, thank you, sir. Goodbye." The line went dead. Jonathan put the phone down and looked at Hannibal when he yawned.

"Yes. I know what you're thinking. What is our mutual friend up to? Why does some random woman want to see her in the hospital?" Ripping the piece of paper off of the pad he turned and walked back to the bedroom. Sitting down, he looked over at Willow. She was still sleeping. Seriously, how did she sleep through the annoying ring of the phone, and his conversation? Putting a hand on Willow's head he ran it through her hair.

Slowly her eyes opened and looked up at him. "Hey," she said quietly while rubbing her eyes.

"Morning." Jonathan fidgeted on the bed. Willow seemed to pick up on his awkwardness and sat up clutching the duvet to her chest.

"What's wrong?"

"I just had a very interesting phone call."

"With the Chechen?"

"Oddly no." Jonathan said simply, by now he'd scrunched up the piece of paper he was holding onto and shoved it into his trouser pockets.

"Eh? Who with then? No one phones except Sue and Kevin...oh...please tell me it wasn't them?!"

"It wasn't, so calm down." Jonathan smiled, Willow let out a heavy sigh and opened her eyes again and looked at him. "It was the hospital." This caused her to stiffen again. "A woman by the last name of, Bailey, is asking for you. Care to enlighten me?" Willow frowned and shook her head stiffly. "No?" Jonathan raised an eyebrow. "Really? Not even if I ask nicely?" Willow stood up and dragged the duvet with her, she grabbed some clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. Jonathan sat and looked at the wall as the bathroom door slammed shut.

It was a good few minutes later until Willow reappeared. By now Jonathan had ate something for breakfast, although it was more like brunch, and sat in the sitting room reading the newspaper. Jonathan lowered the paper when arms wrapped around his neck, Willow's head rested against his. "It's my mother." She spoke in a hollow tone. With that explanation whispered out she moved away from him. As soon as she moved, Jonathan was cold. She was only with him for a few seconds yet provided such warmth. Turning around he looked up at her. She was towel drying her hair. She'd swiftly changed into a tartan shirt, it was red, dark blue with traces of yellow, putting her hands in her black jean pockets she let out a sigh.

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