Chapter 1 : Birth

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Straining and screaming, a woman went into labor, she nearly broke her husband's wrist in the process, squeezing it.

"She is nearly there darling, just a little bit more" his voice was laced with worry and excitement, his warm orange eyes watering a bit.

After an hour of screams, the baby finally took his first breath of air.

The midwife went on to slap the baby's butt but just as her hand touched the baby's skin, she cried. The adults smiled thinking she was a healthy baby but they didn't hear his pained cry, nor did they see what she saw. Images flashed in her brain and internal pain made her cry her heart out. She didn't understand, she was just baby so the only way to express her pain was by crying, hoping for it to end.

The exhausted mother took one look at her before closing her purple eyes to rest, through not before sending a warning glare to her husband. He was too clumsy to be let alone with her newborn but she was too tired.

He sent her a sheepish smile before carefully taking the delicate girl in his arms, she had cried herself to exhaustion, he slowly adjusted her position so her head was supported by his arm.

Taking a glimpse at her cute small nose, he couldn't help the huge grin overtaking his features.

The midwife smiled at the couple before scurrying to check the wife's condition, smiling in relief a small moment after. She then went on to explain basic baby care that he had already heard multiple times but still took great care in listening every times.

A few hours later, the wife woke up to her husband cradling her baby, she softly smiled, brightening her pale face.

"Dear, let me see my daughter." Her  mice startled him before he hurriedly gave the baby to her.

"So, have you decided on a name?"

"I'm not good at naming! I'll let you do it." He kissed her forehead and chuckled at her thoughtful face.

"How about.... Shaily?"

"Shaily Kahura! I love it, good choice darling!"


Their child was odd. She didn't cry at night, only made noise when she needed to be changed or to eat. She liked observing and being silent. She also reproduced their actions, forcing them to be on their best behaviors to avoid giving her bad habits, they avoided bad words and couple arguing, they also made sure their acquaintances did the same. Their child was like a white piece of paper and they would make sure only the most beautiful colors soaked it.

But that's not what's odd. Maybe she is more sensible and smart. The thing is, she can't bear skin contact for more than a second, every time she touches someone or even an animal, she expresses deep pain. They tried the hospital but they couldn't pinpoint the problem, she was very healthy and intelligent, she just couldn't touch intelligent beings, humans or animal.

The solution they found was making her wear a full body skin-tight suit beneath all of her clothes, of course they made sure it was comfortable and esthetic. And that is why since she was 3 month old, she started wearing a thin black cloth that only showed her eyes.

Since she was a month old, they had learnt, she couldn't bear human touch too much and would only touch them once per week. Despite the pain that came with it, there was two reasons she had always done it, firstly they were her parents, she wanted to give them and her the opportunity to have skin contact, secondly, it allowed her to check if they would have any accident and possibly prevent it. With every touch, a different vision would come up. Plus, this weekly contact became a habit that they loved, it became special and they always did it for sure.


With age, she used these moments to try and see her parents' moments of hurt, trying to sometimes prevent it when she can. She learnt to focus on future visions instead of past ones when she wanted. When in too much pain, blood usually flowed from her eyes and it was their signal to stop.

She never told them the visions she had, because she always knew it was a power that everyone would want for their own need, it was too dangerous and she knew her parents were normal people, they couldn't protect themselves and she vowed to only tell then when she was sure she could protect them.

Her desire to ensure their security fueled her through the pain of her daily training. She wasn't a shinobi and there was only so much she could do without guidance so she did what she could.

When she woke up, she went running for an hour, she got less tired and faster after a few months. She stretched and trained her flexibility and agility for a few hours.

She couldn't neglect her intelligence so in between trainings, she read, about everything.

Her parents were happy to see her work out but also worried she pushed herself too much so they forced her to take breaks every all often. During these times, she played with her parents, shogi, go and other board games, she often lost against her mother and nearly never won against her father.


Seing their daughter train every day, they were a bit sad to see she didn't have any friends. Once they forced her to go to the playground but it ended very badly. She tried for their sake to approach the children her age but they quickly saw that they didn't accept her, she was too smart and they were too ignorant, she couldn't help herself from correcting them or frown at their stupid squabbles.

She quickly became ignored and when she tried again to befriend them, she was pushed to the ground. They rushed to her and seing her unshed tears, they regreted deeply forcing her to have friends. Their child was a bit aloof but also very sensible, they hurt her feelings.

After having a word or two with the parents of the child who pushed her, they left. They shouldn't force her, it would come naturally or at least they hoped.

This accident served them as a lesson and they never forced her to have friends again.

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