Chapter 7 : Hellish training

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After a few questions to gauge her level of knowledge, he happily concluded that his student, despite being from a mostly citizen family was far too knowledgeable about shinobi related things. He was tempted to pry further but he instinctively knew she wouldn't budge, she wasn't the type to spill her secrets so easily, for free.

"For now, just run a few laps," Hashirama idly commanded, as he got some papers out.

Shaily shook her head in exasperation, he was doing his work while teaching her... That was the thing with being an Hokage, they were never totally freed from their paperwork.

So, she started running around the dirt field, she took her time, admiring the magnificent forest around, breathing in the fresh air, feeling her legs start to ache. After some time, her lungs started to burn. Meanwhile her sensei had finished his paper work and was observing her, waving at her, just to infuriate her, and it worked, because every time she felt herself slow down, his idle form, laying under the shade of the tree successfully made her pick up the pace.

Hashirama was contemplating the scene, enjoying the effect his teasing had on her. Though he would have to beat that arrogance out of her later, it was useful for now, it fueled her desire to grow stronger and keep on going but it would only be a hindrance were she to become a full-fledged shinobi, something he didn't doubt would happen sooner or later. She had the will for it. Never giving up was a good one to begin with. He was happy with this student of his.

For Shaily who had been training daily, the little pain she felt was nothing, she felt like she could keep on going for at least a few hours. She knew her body's limits, and she was very far from it.

"You can stop now." The order came like a sweet delivery, she may not have reached her limits yet but she still felt happy being able to stop down.

"It seems like you haven't been idle before," Hashirama commented, analyzing the way she wasn't out of breath yet.

"I have been training a little," Shaily remained modest, not willing to show any sign of weakness before him.

"Let's spar a little, I want to know what level you're on currently."

Shaily felt like it was a little unfair, since she had been running, and he wasn't, but she wasn't about to complain, she knew better than to expect fair fights from a ninja.

"I won't be using any chakra, no worries," Hashirama offered with a childish smile. Even without, she didn't stand a chance, and they both knew that. His finger indicated her to attack, cheap taunting.

In all the futures she saw, in none did she succeed in her attack. But still, she chose the least humiliating one, a side-kick. As she predicted, he blocked the attack. There was nothing exciting about their fight, she already knew in advance that she would lose and despite not having the same powers, he remained in control of the whole fight.

Like that, the sun rose, and the heat began to slow her down. They stopped, once he sensed their spar would only go downward from there.

One thing he couldn't help but notice, was how no matter how many opportunities she lost, or how much it held her back, she always avoided his attacks when there was a chance of him touching her skin. Any less perceptive person wouldn't have noticed but to a veteran shinobi like him, it was clear as day that she feared skin contact. And that was a deadly weakness that would hinder her later on. He had an inkling it was related to her mysterious powers that allowed her to see into the future.

When it was time to eat, he scrutinized her, waiting to see how she was going to eat with a piece of cloth covering her lower face. He was already stupefied at the fact that she didn't take it off when fighting against him, since he didn't doubt it must be quite exhausting to keep covering her mouth and nose. Breathing through cloth was vastly different from breathing in the fresh unhindered air.

So when she calmly took off her scarf-like black cloth, he gawked openly. He didn't expect her to take it off so easily, especially when she seemed to live with it always on.

Shaily was enjoying the surprise he was showing, she took her time eating the bento her father made for her —while of course keeping a large distance between him and her, just in case the idea of touching her bare skin came to him again...

"Afterward, we'll find your chakra nature," Hashirama commented, also eating the bento that was prepared for him.

With a seemingly simple piece of paper in her hands, Shaily gazed dubiously at her sensei that was thoroughly enjoying her plight. "What exactly am I supposed to do."

After a few moments, she smirked behind her mask. And he knew she found the answer in her visions. Indeed, she channeled her chakra —something she somewhat could feel what with having suffered under its hands multiples times by mistake —in the paper, and it cut itself in half while dampening. Shaily stared at the paper in her hand in wonder. Water and wind, these weren't too bad. And considering having two was very rare, she could be considered lucky.

"Here, start memorizing these," he said as he gave her two scrolls. "See you tomorrow!" And like that he walked away.

Back home, Shaily slumped down on her sofa, watching her father peacefully draw while the sweet scent of her mother's cooking drifted to her nose. She enjoyed the sound of his brush caressing like a feather the canvas, and the sharp cutting sound in the kitchen. Her whole body ached but she felt at ease, her mind was emptied of her usual dark thoughts.



Writing this chapter, I went through everything I prepared for this fanfic, and I quite like what I planned ahead, so I just might start updating more often! :D

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