Chapter 2 : Hisharama Senju

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Sharp and endless pain.

She sat on the edge of the cliff on the 1st hokage's head. Her eyes were glaring in the space as drops of blood painfully ran down from her eyes.

She cursed under her breath, she wasn't careful enough and touched a shinobi, those were the worse. Their pain didn't compare to the citizens she touched accidentally a few times. They were soldiers, they fought, got injured, killed, got killed and watched comrades fall.

Visions still cursed through her head giving her a massive headache. Blood, organs, loved ones, death was everywhere, she could feel the pain of this shinobi, both emotionally and physically, after all, a cut leg was bound to hurt like hell.

Gritting her teeth, she focused on her surroundings to try and distract herself. A few minutes after, the pain finally subsided. Wind harshly tucked her long wavy purple hair. She pulled her black scarf up to protect herself from the cold. She was covered from head to toe in black, not an inch of skin showing except the upper part of her head above her nose.

She sighed before getting up and sidestepping. Tilting her head to the side, she looked inquiringly at Hashirama who awkwardly took back his extended hand. Hard to surprise someone who always sees 5 seconds in the future. A perk of her powers.

"I was just curious what someone would be doing on my head statue... but now I'm more curious about the blood underneath your eyes."

Her eyes widened slightly before she tched underneath her breath, she rubbed her sleeve on it, getting rid of it, annoyed.

"I believe its none of your business, Hokage-sama." She bowed at the end.

He chuckled at her mix of respect and hidden sarcasm.

"But I believe I do have the right to know, after all I am the Hokage."

A mix of annoyance and disgust showed on the part of her face that showed, she didn't bother hiding it.

"I don't like repeating myself, Hokage-sama."

"Neither do I."

This time she tched out loud. She ran a few kilometers this morning so she wasn't very keen on continuing this uselessly tiring conversation.

"It's for me to know and for you to never know. End of the discussion, Hokage-sama."

Turning around, she walked in crisp but quick steps, sighing again as she again sidestepped to avoid him touching her shoulder. She continue walking, avoiding his half-hearted attacks to see her limits.

Normally she wouldn't take the risk to show her abilities to anyone, even more the Hokage but she didn't exactly have a choice, she knew he would touch her skin if he caught her, she could see it. She didn't exactly want to see a vision from the Hokage, the most threatened shinobi, she didn't doubt the pain from the previous shinobi would be nothing against his and she wasn't keen on feeling pain for nothing, she wasn't a masochist so thanks but no.

Frowning and sighing again, she turned around, putting a hand up to the face of the surprised Hokage who stopped his hand-signs. Seing in the future would do her no good in front of a skilled ninja like him even more if she didn't want to spend the rest of the day running away, yeah, no it would tire her out and she had to be home in.... 2 hours or her sweet parents would be worried.

"Please stop. I am not a shinobi, I am a citizen, are you even allowed to attack me? Hokage-sama." She seemed to drawl out his title every time she spoke, in mock sarcasm.

His grin widened as he knew she stopped because she mysteriously saw him perform hand-signs, did she have eyes behind her back?! He was more and more interested in the small child in front of him, no older than maybe 5 but that seemed fully intent on showing the least skin possible.

Truthfully, in the beginning he just wanted to escape from his duties and her presence in a 'forbidden' area gave him just that. What he didn't expect was a small child crying blood, he didn't expect her to dodge his multiple attempts at contact either, he didn't expect her lack of respect whereas child her age usually worshiped him or at least greatly respected him.

Truthfully when he saw her dodge, his fighting spirit grew but he still took care in being able to avoid hurting her in case she didn't dodge.

His grin transformed into a full smile as she stopped, and tiredly glared at him.

"For a citizen you're quite agile..." he cunningly looked at her avoiding her previous request.

"I'm just lucky that's all. The blood is just ketchup I ate but put all over my face. If that's all and I believe it is, I will be taking my leave, Hokage-sama."

Watching her leave, her back slightly hunched in tiredness, her words still etched in his brain, he finally erupted in full laughter, she didn't even try telling a reasonable lie, she blatantly lied to his face with a straight face, to a Hokage and a full fletched shinobi. He didn't know if she was stupid or overly confident, surely she didn't ignore the fact that she could be tortured to obtain information.

Actually she did know but she didn't care, she knew he wouldn't do that, she was a pretty good judge of character and she also knew that her mind was pretty well defended, inviolable, having been subjected to mental torture since her birth did help in these cases.

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