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Five weeks that follow, I spend in Rompsbridge. In a small cell with the other five of the A9. The walls are the color of melancholy, with paint so old, it peels in several places. Hope in the form of a window. The tiniest thing shows a piece of blue sky and some green at the horizon with laser bars on it. The five bunks represent the torture of its own. And since there are six of us, we take turns to sleep on the floor. The cell may be bearable if not for the ugly piece of antiarmor glass with a gap at the bottom. This is what makes my time in Rompsbrigde an agony.

The news of the stunt I pulled spread. Undoubtedly, the guards know what I did. The Karmian soldiers stare at me when they pass. Sometimes I even hear them mention my name when they talk among themselves. They enjoy the story and wait for a new chapter when or if Rhea graciously shows up. Meanwhile, they choose to study me.

At first, I am sure she will help. Naïve and stupid. Still, I hope. With each passing day, I grow more confident that Rhea's retort for my act of saving her life is just that – she helped us to stay alive. This is the limit of her gratitude. Still a better option than death, knowing she slaughters our kind. Will the Council be willing to exchange the A9? The uncertainty and bitterness pile up until I feel like I am about to explode.

In the sixth week, I have an argument with one of the guards. We abused the topic of what could happen next too many times by now and how we are still alive. No one bothers to ask me anymore. I wanted to come up with an explanation, in the beginning. But somehow I still expect Rhea would keep her end of the bargain. One variant is better than two. So for five weeks, I keep my mouth shut. My team grows weary of my silence, but they still trust me. At least for now.

Nyx notices them first. Two guards throw glances at me talking animatedly, waving their hands, laughing. By now, I am pissed with all the staring and feel like a lab rat. The bastards even stop to discuss me as I openly glare at them. Finally, when they both grin absolutely unaffected by my stare, I flip out jumping from my bunk.

'Hilarious. Right. Everyone is fighting for the cause, and you are here, rotting with us.'

I step closer to the door. Nyx shakes his head in warning, but I am already possessed.

'Why wouldn't you kill me? Scared of the little bitch, huh?'

One of the guards whispers something to the other, his eyes on me the whole time. Then he walks away. The other one keeps glaring at me.

'Shut up.'

'Or what? You will not touch a hair on my head because of the little monster you call a hero!'

Now everyone stares at me. Rufus is shaking his head violently begging with his eyes to keep quiet. The guard seems lost by my fury, but finally finds something to say.

'What did you do that she is willing to save the Drellian? It must be major if Rhea decided to protect you of all people. How is it possible for courageous major Candred to betray his country? But you will pay for what you said.'

The moment he leaves, I sense disapproval and anxiety from all around. But Holt is the only one to voice it.

'You shouldn't provoke them like that. They know who you are, they could exchange you for someone Karm needs, but they may as well execute you. I am not even sure why you are still alive, why we all are still alive.'

I feel betrayed, used, and weak. I believe in honor. Dignity and trust matters. In our ruined world, these must be cherished even more to stay human. What is the point of living if you are an animal anyway? People are decent. Rhea is decent. I saw it in her eyes in Rottbery. The core, the reliance, and, yes, honor. It bites that I may be mistaken. I am furious with myself. How could I trust her? How can I still hope?

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