Don't bullshit the bullshitter

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Rompsbridge is my exile. Here it feels like time slips through my fingers. People are dying, and I just take my time reading books. As much as I try to hide in Candred's ward, the soldiers still know where to find me. Helpful and friendly, they make attempts to spend more time with me. And paranoia creeps over my sick head. Since Croom, the eyes watch my every step. This is bad. It might ruin all my hidden activities, as I am no longer able to walk unseen even among Drellian soldiers. What was I thinking in Croom?

I draggle towards the hospital when I spot an unfamiliar vehicle parked in front of the main building. Guss hops out of it, looks around lazily and heads for the entrance. The creep who landed me in Rompsbridge for a month.

I slow down and wait. Odd - Guss has no business being in Rompsbridge. Unless I am right, and he indeed suspects something. I tiptoe, reaching the entrance in time to watch him take the left corridor. He enters the secretary but shortly leaves. The expression on his face suggests he is not only dumb but a complete loser too.

I hate him seven times more now that I have to exchange the Drellians. We execute snipers the same day we capture them. I spend two weeks only negotiating the possibility of the exchange, discreetly, of course. From everyone. Including Joolls. Up until the moment they are released. Now, everyone is already aware, the A9 to be exchanged. Thanks to Rhea Flint.

Getting Candred out of Rompsbridge alive is a chapter from the book on impossible. He is a top-ranked officer, which means I am supposed to be dancing on his breathless body. My neck is on the line for seven Drellians. And that whack job suffers alone in reserved silence.

Guss is almost by the vehicle when I exit.


The surprise is evident on his face. He still has his eyebrows raised when he manages, 'Hi, Flint. Have some business here?'

Guss whirls his finger as if clarifying that he means Rompsbridge. How good it would feel to smash his stupid head against the vehicle. Maybe it can help to find his brain somewhere. I blink twice and focus on my breathing. Two soldiers pass us and smile at me, and I beam in reply, the wave of anger subsides.

'Yes, there is something on my agenda here.'

Dressed in his regimentals, he looks cunning with his narrow eyes and sleazy smile. But I am not fooled. There are people with no standards, who relish in pain and misery and inflict it on others. Like Guss. He does not care about anything but himself. I know for a fact, when his life is on the line, he will trade the information for the slightest hope to escape to Drell. Not that I was beyond reproach and picture-perfect, but I am not on sale. It is not about who is more powerful, it is about defending what is sacred.

'Does it have anything to do with Major of A9?'

'It might. Why would you care?'

'I knew you would never waste your time here if nothing were up,' he smiles in a way to win me over. The creep is so repulsive, I am ready to vomit. 'Can I be a part of it?'

'So you want in on my plan, huh? Last time you said I was too young to have one.'

He understands perfectly well that someone helped me crawl my way up. I showed him Dronland. I showed them all what little girl can do, especially if underestimated. I do not have to go to the secretary's room to know he sniffs around.

'Everyone makes mistakes, doesn't it, Flint? Even you.'

The sun is in my eyes, and I squint. My hand twitches. He can't see my murderous glare. As the long blade in my right boot begs to get rid of the freak.

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