Meet in the Forest

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I wake with a jolt and realize it is my watch vibrating on my hand. It is eleven in the evening. I change my linen pajama pants for the training ones that have extra heating material, grab my coat, hat, and snowshoes putting them on the move. The freezing night greets me outside. The camp is silent, with the tranquil green tents drowning in the purest ocean of snow. It slumbers under the cold light, undisturbed by the wind.

The white, covering the land, reminds me a lot of the sea. The frozen waves lay as far as the eye can see, and wind obligingly caries the precious snowflakes from place to place. In my warm clothes, I can spear a minute and enjoy the view. After the Great War, we hardly survived the winter. It became evident we needed something warmer than regular jackets and coats. The climate changed drastically. So we had to adapt. The scientists worked on ways out and invented the fiber that could heat up from the warmth of the human body. It is quite useful. Less material more warmth. It is part of every winter piece any Karmian has – pants, sweaters, shirts, even underwear. Drellians must be freezing in their measly coats now. Freeze and die.

It is easy to walk now, as the light reflects from the snow. The wind grows stronger as I make my way deeper into the forest. But it is bearable. I can even walk straight. The wind will wipe any traces from the surface, I am sure. My shoes are light and merely leave any steps, anyway. Besides, no one has any reason to walk out of the camp. The patrol is there to guard anyone coming in. As I hide behind the colossal sleeping oak, waiting for guards to pass, I notice a huge owl, watching me curiously. Its enormous eyes examine me and follow my moves. I take out my communicator and follow the green arrow showing the way. My destination is half an hour walk, not far. I have to pass the Drellian patrol, however, and I am not sure if there is one.

The message pops up on the screen.

'No guards.'

I grin. Why is he doing this? Is it a trap? Could he go to all this length to capture me himself and earn extra credit?

It is obvious he likes the draw between us no more than I do. Can he resist it? No. If he sent me a message. Otherwise, why he stayed in my house and went through my stuff, looking for information about me. He could not have found the note accidentally as it was glued to one of the pages in a book. You needed to go page by page to be able to find it. Yet again, maybe he is just persistent, and I am just a fool.

It seems Candred has not come yet. Untrusting, I stay further away while I wait.

'You plan to freeze me to death. Do not deny it.'

I react immediately, turning to the voice behind me. He stands several feet away near one of the gigantic elms in a dark blue coat and warm army pants, but they are regular coat and pants, no match to mine. He is probably freezing.

'I came twenty minutes earlier. I have no idea why you would freeze to death twenty minutes earlier than necessary.'

Oden chuckles and comes closer. A little thinner and slightly paler than he used to be. But his eyes are still coal-black, and his smile is still annoying.

'I came early.'

'No, Major, you came poorly dressed.'

Why would he come so early? My paranoid brain cannot help but wonder if it is indeed a trap, and my eyes scan the land for any signs of presence.

'You know I am wealthy, right? I never dress poorly.'

'Wow, and you still cannot afford a coat.'

His scowl suits him. I mimic his expression, tilting my head down and pout looking at him from under my eyebrows. He barks a laugh.

'What if I tricked you?'

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