4th of August 2019

174 3 3

1:45 PM 

Hello again friends! Lauren again, and I have a real adventure to share with you all! Let's begin...

So today I woke up, and felt extra shifty, so I decided to write a few therian activities down, and I rolled a dice and it landed on, "Meditation/Shift" and "Quadrobics" and they fitted well together. So I grabbed a fake wooden log pillow, my meditation box, paw gloves and of course, my ear's! I went upstairs, onto the deck and sat in my old doggies' bed. (She passed away ;c). I waited for some excitement to spark my eye. 

I started getting sleepy before I spotted a bird landing on the grass in my backyard out the corner of my eye. Instincts took over me and before I knew it, I was running down the stairs on all four's, barking and howling at the bird's who were actually picking at an old, ripped T-Shirt that was on the ground. I stalked over to the bird, and it didn't even notice me coming up behind it! I then proceeded to try and pounce on it, but sadly missed D:< 

I also realised a better bark and howl for me to do, that's more realistic for a Red Wolf, and it was so cool! I started barking and howling because I was a dog in the park, and the Husky that lives next door (Jacob) started barking and howling back! It was so cool! Another doggy also started barking and howling back, and it was so cute ;w;


And that's my little adventure I had! I know it's not really an 'Adventure', but I felt so much like Koda, I was only walking on all four's, only making Wolf Noises and I just felt so...Free!

Afterwards, I had a massive headache, not sure what it was. During the little 'adventure' I had, I was definitely having a Sensory Shift, Phantom Shift and Emotional Shift. 

Well, that's my little entry for today! 

Oh! And before I leave, tomorrow (Monday) a new girl named "Hannah" Is coming to my class! She's taller then the teacher is! (Grade 6) My friend, let's call her Charlie. Well Charlie really wants to be friends with her, but my other friend's really couldn't care less. I made Hannah a card, and I hope she likes it! :3

Well that's all for now, talk later! 

7:43 PM

Hiya! I'm back with a mini update (Hopefully)!! Let's continue!

So since I last wrote, I got pizza with my dad, and ran outside again and practiced my quadrobics for a while until it got dark. And I'm starting to freak out about the new girl coming tomorrow, and if she doesn't like me, but I just have to be myself, and I should stop worrying what someone thinks of me. 

WoAh! InSpIrAtIoNaL StUfF!

Back to the story-

And I've perfected my wolf bark and howl! And yes, I do know that wolves don't actually 'bark', but they have alarm barks, so technically they bark??? Anyway, it's nice to bark :3 

It's also getting late here, so I'm going to sleep soon, but before I do I'm starting a little mini art book (Ya' know, because I can.) and draw a bit before bed. Also! My grandma got me many birthday presents which consisted of, two different water-colour sets, books, two notebooks (One of which is the mini art book) and yeah! 

Well, that's all for today, hope you enjoyed my adventure for today! 

I'll see you all tomorrow,


Keep Howling!!

As Strong As a Wolf,

As Cunning as a Fox.

The strength of the Pack is the Wolf,

And the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.

As Wild as An Animal,

- LaurenWolfHeart

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