14th of August 2019

109 2 1

12:23 PM

Hello my beloved Plants! Today I have a fun entry for you! 

So today is the ekka holiday, so no school! :D But I still have to go to Karate at 5:30 PM, so that's annoying, AND that mean's I can't get on again, which is so annoying!! 

It also look's like it might rain today, so that's cool, I love it when it rain's! Well I'm doing a Therian/Otherkin Art Challenge, and I'm up to day two, and that was Phantom Shift's, so I drew myself with wolf ear's and a tail! (If you search up "Therian Prompts" you should see one by 'A confused dragon-kin' on Tumblr and that's you're one!)

I also made a fort last night under my kitchen table, and it's very cosy! And I found an old ball, and it's so nice to chewwwwww!

That's all for now! 


Keep Howling!!

As Strong As a Wolf,

As Cunning as a Fox.

The strength of the Pack is the Wolf,

And the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.

As Wild as An Animal,

- LaurenWolfHeart

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