11. Falling...🦋

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"New car?" Ron pointed to my new car with his chin. "Nice choice." He complimented me with a smirk on his face. I gave him a smug look.

"Thanks. That's what I call a useful car," I wiggled my brow at him.

"Shut up." Rose shushed me and turned to Ron. "So, are you going to join us in Liza's car, or you'll bring yours?"

She was so lucky to express herself like that. I envied her.

"No, I'll bring mine." Ron pointed to those two hulks, who were standing obediently behind him. "They are also coming with us."

We all looked behind him to see those hulks. "Who are they?" I frowned. "Your friends?"

"No." Ron smiled serenely. "They are bodyguards. Mine and Oli's."

I pushed my glasses over my head and looked back and forth between Ron and Oli.

"Stop looking." Oli huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Wow, princess." I teased Oli with a sweet tone. "What service can I offer you!"

"Shut up!" Oli hissed at me. "I will kill you!" I started to laugh gleefully. And then just like that a light bulb lit on my head.

"How about Oli will come with me along with her bodyguard, and Rose can go with you." I batted my eyes innocently. "In this way, we all can have some safety, huh?" I added a sweet smile while on it.

Ron looked at me for a good few seconds, biting his bottom lip, and then he muttered something under his lips and chuckled. "Yeah, that sounds convenient enough." He said with an amused expression.

I winked at Rose. She gave me a flying kiss.

"Shall we get going?" Ron put on his glasses and looked around. "By the way, where are we going?"

"We haven't decided yet." I put on back my glasses. "We overlooked a few places on the internet."

"I know a nice place for camping." Ron took out his phone. "I can lead the way if you want me to."

"Sure," I shrugged my shoulders. "We are fine with anywhere as long as we can enjoy ourselves."

"Let's go then." Ron nodded his head and headed toward his car.

"Yeah, let's go." I gently bumped Rose with my waist and pushed her towards Ron. Rose gave me a fake glare. I chuckled and pulled Oli with me. One hulk started following us.

"Let me drive, please." The hulk asked me politely.

"No, it's ok, I'll drive, umm..." I looked keenly at him for his name. "What's your name?"

"James Harold." He answered. "But please call me James."

"Hi, I am Mona Lisa." I smiled brightly and reached out my hand. "You can call me Liza." James took my hand to shake.

"Miss Liza,....." James nearly said something else but I was first enough to cut him off.

"Right, James, so hop in and please guard us tight." I winked at him. A little smile curved at the corner of his lips for a mere second. I yanked open my car door and stopped right before to get in.

"We have to do the shopping before we get there." I yelled at Ron. Rose already got in the car. Ron was also putting his one leg inside the car, he looked up. "Are there any shops on the way?"

"Yeah, there are few."

"Cool." I showed my thumbs up and got in the car. Ron finally got in his car.

We drove our car away. As soon as we hit the road, I started my leg pulling to Oli.

"So, what's with that bodyguard thing suddenly?" I asked Oli. I saw from my rear mirror that James was scrupulously maintaining a poker face and was pretending that he was not listening to us.

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