29. Bitterness🦋

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The moment I stepped my foot on the ground nervously, the raging mob of reporters rushed towards me aggressively with their microphone and camera. I was blinded by a relentless barrage of camera flashes.

"Miss Davies, We have information that You and Mr Ryan have been dating for almost six months. Is it true?"

"Miss Davies, why are you two hiding your relationship from the world? Are you guys really dating, or you two are only friends with benefits?"

I was gradually making my way to the front door of my house grimly while trying to prevent the attacks of those reporters. They were literally trying to shove their microphones into my mouth. The last question instantly made my steps halt. I looked up and glared at that reporter savagely. The reporter got enthusiastic by succeeding to capture my attention.

"Miss Davies, is it true?"

I angrily opened my mouth to tell him "Fuck off", but couldn't because someone held my shoulder and hid me behind his large build from those reporters.


"Let's get inside the house." He told me and started to walk guardedly engulfing me into his large muscled chest.

He tried to cover me from those hungry reporters by his huge build. I gripped his broad chest as if my dear life depended on it. Microphones appeared in our faces as we desperately attempted to push our way through those reporters.

"Mr Davies, What do you want to say about your sister's relationship? Do you have any information to share with us?"

Arthur hastily pushed me into the house, turned around and waved two middle fingers to the reporters savagely before slamming the door closed on their faces.

In the house, I instantly froze on my spot.

Mom and dad were sitting forlornly on the couch with the TV on. And on TV the news channel was bombarded by the latest hot topic.

Ron and me.

"According to relevant sources, Mr Ronald Ryan was spotted many times with this girl, Miss Mona Lisa Davies. We have information that Miss Mona Lisa Davies is currently attending the same college with Miss Olivia Island, who is the first cousin of Mr Ronald Ryan. Who is she? Are they together? Or they are only partners with benefits?"

"There are many proofs that they have something going on between them. Evidence no. 1: When Mr Ryan returned from the USA, they arranged a grand party for him, which he left with Miss Davies in a car, together. We have pictures of them leaving the party together."

"Evidence no. 2: After that party, our reporters spotted Mr Ryan and Miss Davies outside of her college. Miss Davies rode the same car with Mr Ryan. It looked like Mr Ryan came to pick her up. We have some pictures of that time.

"Evidence no. 3: We also got some pictures of their passionate moments at some park. Where it could be clearly seen that they have a magical spark between them."

"Evidence no. 4: Four months ago Mr Ryan held his birthday party at his penthouse, Where Miss Davies stayed the night and left in the morning with the same clothes as last night. We also have pictures of that time."

"Evidence no. 5: Mr Ryan also visited Miss Davies' house many times. We have pictures."

"Evidence no. 6: Miss Davies sometimes visited Mr Ryan in his office. At first, the receptionist refused to let her see Mr Ryan. Then Miss Davies called Mr Ryan On his personal mobile phone. Mr Ryan left an important interview in a rush to receive her. When the reporter asked Mr Ryan about his love life, Mr Ryan looked at Miss Davies lovingly."

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