35. Shopping🦋

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"For what?" Ron asked after being silent for a few seconds.

I knew I had an inappropriate immature personality. I was never confident about my decisions. That's why I never made any decisions. I even wanted people to buy my dress. I never offered anyone any suggestions. But I thought I undoubtedly made the right decision by agreeing to marry Ron. It might be true that we don't love each other, but I think we will work that out....somehow. Even if I don't have confidence in myself, I slowly started to believe in Ron. He cleared up everything between my friends and me, Oli and Rose. I didn't even request him for that, but he knew what I needed.

"For talking things out with Rose and Oli." I closed my eyes, relaxed and released a relief breath. "You have no idea how important they are to me."

"Well," Ron chuckled, "I kinda know what and who are important to you. And like I said earlier, you don't have to think about anything anymore," he said with a warm tone. "I got everything."

"Thanks," I said again.

"You are welcome," He answered heartily. "So, what have you been up to?" He tried to start a pleasant conversation voluntarily. Well, I think we had to do a lot of conversation to make our marriage work out.

"Nothing much." I sighed as I grasped my phone tightly between my ear and shoulder to free my hands. "Tomorrow we will go shopping for a wedding dress," I answered him gently as I carefully removed my jacket and started to unbutton my jeans. "What about you?" I asked him casually. I tucked some loose strands of hairs behind my ear as I was wracking my empty brain to find a topic for the conversation.

"As usual," He laughed lightly, "stuck with meetings."

"Well," I couldn't find topics to talk about. I cleared my throat, "bye then. I...will....call you later."

He let go a long sigh. "Yeah, bye." Why did his voice sound so sad?

I ended the call and looked longingly at the phone screen for a few seconds. Everything felt so unfamiliar with Ron after all those tragic incidents, even a simple conversation. I looked up and groaned. I really wished I could turn back everything.

The next morning I joined mom and dad with breakfast.

"Good morning." Dad smiled warmly at me. I greeted him back enthusiastically as I kissed his cheeks , "Good morning."

"I made some egg-mayo sandwiches," Mom offered me as she took a spoonful of her organic beans. "Do you want some?" She gently pushed the sandwich plate to me.

"Thanks." I took a triangle shaped sandwich and started to nibble on it. I took my time. Actually I wanted to ask dad about his office. But I didn't know how to start the odd conversation. They didn't know I eavesdropped on their conversation last time, and I didn't want to. I was staring grimly at the sandwich as I was wracking my brain to find a keyword for the conversation.

"You don't like the sandwich?" I was brought back by Mom's sudden question.

"What!" I quickly smiled at her and took a big bite of the sandwich. "Of course not! I love it!"

Mom gave me a relieved smile. "How is everything going?"

"Fine," I answered gaily. "Actually, I wanted to ask you to come with me today."

"For what?" Mom asked curiously.

"Oli and Rose are going to take me to select a wedding dress, today." I smiled at her shyly.

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