8|Not Again

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Before we start this chapter I am going to say a few things.

I cannot stand all the comments only being about "Woojin is innocent" or "Woojail" and I have heard plenty enough of it.

I will only say this once, DO NOT COMMENT ABOUT HIM.

If I continue to see comments like this I will delete them and will strongly consider taking this book down. (If I see enough comments about it I definitely will.)

These comments are for feedback and support, not bitching about someone being guilty or innocent, so please refrain from doing so.

Anyway, on a lighter note, please enjoy and comment positive things.

After hearing the one thing that you didn't want, you mentally cursed yourself. You should have double checked each room to make sure that no one was home, but you were in too much of a rush to think about it.

Instead of getting yourself into even more trouble, you decided to lie to the person making it seem as though you weren't just trying to escape. 

"I-I was just uhh, seeing if the door was locked. I didn't want any stranger to walk in and threaten me, I also didn't know that you were here, sorry if I disturbed you...?" You waited for him to answer his name. 

"Woojin. So tell me, how come checking if the door is locked also means snooping around the house looking through everything?" 

Your face paled, you knew that he had caught you out, he just wasn't fully admitting it. 

"I was just trying to find my phone, I got really bored and had nothing else to do."

You stuck with the lies, not faulting them, hoping that you wouldn't get caught. 

"You know, you could have asked for it, not that I know if you would get it or not but there's never any harm in asking."

He started to step forward causing you step back, eventually your back hit the door. He leaned over closer to you and gently twisted the door handle which proved to be locked. 

"Well, I guess we now know that we're safe." 

"Oh, well, ok, thank you, I'll just go back to watching movies now." You said whilst walking off. 

Before you could even take your second step he caught your arm. He started walking with you up the stairs. 

"You know Y/N, you really think that your lies were believable. You should know better than to lie to any gang member. It's their specialty to know when someone is lying. And for that you get consequences." 

With that he threw you into your room, a small click indicating that the door was locked.


After waiting for a few hours in your room, the door finally opened. This time it wasn't Felix like usual, it was Bangchan. You looked down as usual, trying to not keep him in your room for too long.

"I'm not here to argue with you."

"Then what could you possibly be here for." You sneered back."

"I'm here to talk like adults, but you're proving it extremely difficult."

"Well you got that wrong, I'm not yet an adult, I've still got a few months to go."

"Please, don't fight back, it's not going to get you anywhere."

Instead of helping him out, you span around so that your back was facing him. If he was going to keep you somewhere where you didn't want to be, you weren't going to speak to him and help him out. 

"You know the power I have over you right, you're like a toy for me. I can do whatever I want with you." As you listened to his words you found his hands settling on your waist spinning you around to face him. 

No matter what, you wouldn't bring yourself to look him in the eyes.

"You make it harder for yourself. You could be close to free, but you make it hard for yourself and get yourself locked in this room all day everyday." 

You thought about that for a second. He was very patient with you, he would always stay calm and would never lash out at you even when you were acting like a brat. 

"I don't want this though." You quietly responded, speaking your mind.

"We don't always get what we want, life's unfair like that huh." This time his calm demeanour was accompanied by a softly spoken voice. He understood that you didn't want to be a part of a gang but there was nothing else that he could do with you that wouldn't risk his life even more. 

"Have a think about your actions, you might be better off changing them and fully becoming a member of my gang. When you're ready, come and speak to me." 

He slowly got up and headed to the door.


He stopped and turned around, staring intently at you.


"I-I'm sorry. I just thought that it would be easier to deal with being kept here by being hard for you to handle. I swear I won't be like that anymore."

"Good, I'm glad. I'll start you with training tomorrow. Oh and don't think that I don't know about you trying to get out when we were gone. Don't try it again." He smirked at you.

You were left sitting there with your mouth open. He knew that you had attempted to escape yet he didn't punish you for it. You decided to ignore it and just sat on your bed thinking of different things.

(word count/817)

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