7|Where Are You Going?

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When you got to the kitchen you saw Felix sitting at the bench. He patted the table gesturing for you to sit down. 

"I don't have anything on again today and Chan doesn't want to get you into the training yet so I thought we could just have a chill day again and watch some movies." 

"Yeah sure, that sounds good." 

He handed you the cereal and began eating his meal.

As you were eating you thought about the information of this gang. It had said that there were nine members yet you had only seen eight of them. 

"Hey, when I got the information about you guys, it said that there was nine of you, how come I've only seen eight?" You spoke your thoughts.

"Ahh, that would be Lee Know who you haven't seen. He's always busy so we never see that much of him. He says he's always got training to do so he's always out, he must have been really busy this week." 

"Oh, ok." 

You ate the rest of your food in silence finishing it quickly before heading to the games room to sit and relax.

After an hour of being in the games room Felix left to get some drinks. At the same time Bangchan walked past with Changbin right next to him. He looked over at you and stopped once again. 

You just sat quietly and waited for the lashing of words to come your way. 

"You know, in a house full of men, you might not want to wear something as revealing as that." He smirked taking  a more subtle approach at starting his attack on you. 

"Well, I thought you would have the capacity to keep it in your pants, but I guess I thought wrong. But anyway, I haven't really been able to plan for a vacation now have I, plus I haven't been given any clothes so I don't really know any other ways that I could get new clothes." You began stirring him up again wanting a reaction, but as usual, he kept his blank facade.

"You think that with your behaviour I would want to give you clothes, your lucky that you're valuable, otherwise your attitude would have gotten you killed the moment you stepped foot in my house. Changbin, please escort her back to her room, if these conditions don't change her attitude, I don't know what else will." He grinned knowing his power over you.

You knew what he meant by 'these conditions', you knew that if you were put through that again you would die. 

"No, please, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect you that much. Please, not again." You broke down in front of the two males. You knew that you would have to do what they say now since they knew one of your weaknesses. 

"Keep her in her room for now, I'll talk to her later," He instructed, "I'll quickly talk to Felix now."

After a while of being locked in your room you heard the door softly open again with Felix's head popping in. 

"Hey, I have to go and do some training now. We're all going to be out so you're not going to have any company for a while." 

"Ok, that's alright. I'll find something to do." 

"Alright, see ya."


You pondered around for a while struggling to find things to do. 

Eventually you gave up and just sat watching a movie. 

As you started to get bored of the movie you came up with a risky idea. 

Since there was no one in the house you thought that you had an easy way of getting out. You thought about it before carrying through with it and decided that you would just walk out of the front door to avoid any obvious attention. 

You quickly checked around the house before you left to try and find your phone that was taken from you when you got caught. 

Giving up from not being able to locate it, you decided that you would have to make do without it. 

You looked around the front entrance just to make sure that no body was there and when you saw that it was clear, you casually walked to the front door.

Just when you were about to open the door you heard a voice behind you. 

"Where do you think you're going?" 

(word count/734)

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