23|Assistance is Needed

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As you heard the bang you were quick to open the door and hurry out.

Before you could leave though you decided to make a quick plan that would work in your gangs favour.

You fumbled your way around the walls and eventually found your way in the centre of the building out of view from any of the other gang members.

As you stayed there quietly listening in to the conversation, you noticed a rough idea of what you knew Hanbin to look like and another man whom you had never seen before.

You scanned around the rest of the building and noticed a few more people standing nearby.

In an attempt to distract some of the people, you decided to stumble your way into the middle of the room and look like you had no clue of where you were.

"Oh my gosh, thank god you guys are here, do any of you know how to get out of this place, I thought that it was where Minjoo's party was and now I'm really lost." You said whilst putting on the most scared and confused face you could.

You slowly made your way over to two of the members of Ikon who stood close to each other and seductively asked them personally if they could help you in any way, with the additive of you helping them if they wanted it adding in a small wink.

The both of them smirked at you and stood up leading you away from the mumble of chatter between gangs.

When you thought that it was far away enough you tapped both of their shoulders to make them turn around to you. As they did you quickly punched them both in the throat causing them to drop to the floor gasping for air.

You decided that your best plan was to quietly knock them out and then tie them up, but not before you checked them for any weapons that they could use to get out with.

You made sure they were secure and then headed back to the room where Chan, Hanbin and the other man were, keeping yourself hidden again so that neither of them knew you were there.

You listened in to what the three leaders were talking about.

You heard Chan ask what Hanbin wanted with the trade, to which he simply replied "a small, portion of it".

After talking for a while they decided on an agreement that Ikon would get part of the profit made from the trade in exchange for safety and security from Ikon and an alliance that neither gang would oppose the other, keeping peace between the two.

After everything had been finalised and set, you decided to quickly get back outside incase anyone spotted you.

As you heard some males exiting the building you put on your acting skills again, pretending that you still had no clue where you were.

You saw Chan step out first and quickly look you up and down whilst turning to speak to the other leader.

"Just what I would love to deal with right now, a drunk bitch." He went along with it speaking his words sarcastically.

"Good luck to you man, I'll leave you to it." The other male said whilst getting into his car.

"Escuse me sir, but do you know where I could find M-Joos party, I couldn't find it and now I'm lost." You pouted at him whilst slurring your words a bit since the other man was still present along with other members of different gangs walking past.

"What was the address?" He calmly asked you seeming serious.

"xxxx street." You told him.

"Oh I've heard of it, you'll just need to take a few streets to get there." He said whilst telling you the directions.

"Um, do you think that maybe you could take me there, I can't remember that much." You pouted again.

He gave you a cold stare for a minute and then gave in.

"Yeah hop in I'll drop you off." He smirked at you.

You two started driving slowly and he was quick to speak up.

"I'll have to drop you off somewhere just incase they watch us but I'll get one of the others to get you, ok?" He asked you.

"Yeah that's fine." You responded.

It wasn't long before he stopped again and you hopped out soon followed by Minho driving past to get you.

"Shit, I left two of the guys tied up back there, we need to do something about it if we don't want them to get suspicious of us." You vocalised your thoughts.

He turned the car around and drove back to the warehouse, motioning for you to stay down incase someone was to see you.

He got out of the car and walked into the big building soon followed out by the two men you had tied up.

You heard them thanking Minho and it wasn't long before he was back in the car.

"Right, lets get home." He said whilst focusing on the road.

A while into the drive he looked over to you.

"You did well today, I'm proud of you, you helped out a lot by getting those two hawks out of there. Chan will be happy as well." He smiled to you.

(word count/890)

an: I know Hanbin is no longer in Ikon, but to me he always will be, that also goes for others like Woojin and Wonho, it just doesn't seem right leaving them out.

Newer an: I completely take back the part about woojin. But in saying this I am not going to go back through this whole book and somehow edit him out of it.

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