22|Are You Ready?

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After a few days of tireless training, it was finally the day of the trade.

Since you had practised hard with everyone in the gang it was safe to say that you were quite prepared for it.

You were relaxing for a few minutes in your room when you heard a soft knock on your door.

"Come in." You called out to them.

"Hey, you confident in yourself?" Chan asked you whilst stepping inside and sitting next to you.

"Yeah, I think I'll do well." You replied.

"Good to hear, if you weren't confident in yourself I wouldn't be comfortable with you going, but if you think that you can keep yourself safe then I'm happy, I couldn't live with myself knowing that I could have done better for you."

"How come you have the mindset like that. If I make a mistake, it's on me, it's not your fault that I am underprepared." You said.

"It's because I could have taught you more, if you knew that you weren't ready and I made you go, something terrible could happen and it would be all my fault." He looked away from you.

"But that's where you're wrong, it's not on you if I don't listen or pick up on something that you've said, people take responsibility for their own actions and you can't control that." You said whilst softly tilting his cheek to face you again.

He eventually brought his eyes up to stare into yours, his soft gaze full of concern.

"I just can't make any mistakes, I can't afford to lose you." He honestly said to you, expressing his true feelings.

"You won't lose me, you won't lose any of us. I'll be safe, especially with you around. No matter what, we'll be ok." You quietly said to him as you leaned in closer, embraced in his arms.

"Chan." You said barely louder than a whisper looking up at him.

"Hmm." He tilted his head down to look at you.

You decided now was the time to show him how you felt too.

You gently placed your hands either side of his head and delicately kissed him. It was only a small one but from it you knew that your heart had fully made its mind up.

You slowly pulled away to see him smiling down at you before bringing his lips back onto yours.

It had never occurred to you how strongly you felt for him, you always thought of your feelings for him as being just a simple attraction.

The two of you eventually pulled away smiling to yourselves before you got a message.

You checked your phone to see who it was.

Mark: hey I was wondering if you wanted to go out somewhere again?

You had completely forgot about everything with Mark and instantly felt regretful about not sorting your feelings out. You didn't have much time to answer him since you had to start getting ready to leave, but you sent him something back to know that you had read it.

You: yeah, I'll have to see if I'm free but it sounds good.

You then checked the time and then got up to get ready.

"We don't have too long so we'll have to check everything and get ready to leave soon." You told Chan who was lazily sprawled across your bed.

"Ok, I'll leave you to it." He said whilst walking out.

You got changed and ready quickly tying your hair back out of your face.

You were a bit nervous for how everything would play out and if there was something that could backfire.

In an attempt to calm your nerves you jumped around a bit and took deep breaths.

After you were a little bit more settled you opened your door and headed down the stairs to the others who were waiting in the kitchen.

"Damn, Y/N looking like a bad bitch." Minho said whilst snapping his fingers sassily.

This caused all of the others to turn and look at you, small mumbles coming from each of their mouths.

Soon enough all of you were ready to go and you headed out to the cars.

In one of the cars there was Chan driving, you in the passenger seat and Felix, Changbin and Jeongin in the backseats. In the second car Woojin was driving with Minho in the passenger seat and Seungmin, Han and Hyunjin in the back seats.

It was a fair drive to the place and eventually you had stopped outside an empty warehouse.

"Alright Y/N I want you to stay in the car, Ikon know all of our members and we know theirs, but they don't know about you. I want to keep it that way and have you as a decoy, make sure you don't make it seem like you know us and don't make it seem like you know what is going on ok."

"Got it." You replied

You were slightly upset that you couldn't show off your hard work and abilities, but you knew that it was for the best that you could be used later on if needed.

You waited patiently in the car for any sign that you were needed. You listened carefully in the dead silence for a disturbance until you heard a gunshot pierce the dead air and you knew that you had to help.

(word count/901)

an: sorry this is out so late, i've been really busy and haven't had much time to write. i'm also not too sure how busy i will be this next week either so i'll try to write but it might be a while until the next update. hope you liked it :)

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