Chapter 4 : <Hunting.>

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When I woke up from my nap, there were a bunch of monsters ranging from Slimes, Goblins, Orcs to Kobolds, roaming around.

I don't think I actually need sleep, but I was mentally strained after the excruciating pain I just went through.

When I got my [Danger Sense] passive, I immediately felt a human presence quicky getting away from me, but I didn't really know the structure of the Dungeon, and the person was too far away for me to chase, so I had no choice but to let them get away.

However, that just means I'll most likely be targeted since there was a witness to the murders of 3 C-Ranked Adventurers... So maybe B-Ranks will come after me?

To be honest, the three I killed were actually lucky shots. Well, yeah my scythe is ridiculous but I'm sure C-Rank is pretty strong.

Unless I get some damage buff when I ambush something... Wait.



A title that gives a 2x damage multiplier on the first hit for each enemy engaged in battle.
The multiplier only activates if the opponent is ambushed, caught by surprise, or attacked without them knowing they would engage in a fight against the holder.>

... Oh.

...If I hadn't caught them by surprise, I would have had a much greater struggle against them. I guess [Terrify] did the trick.

They didn't get as scared as I thought they would, so that means Adventurers were probably trained to be fearless.

Makes sense, considering they probably fight against hordes of monsters alone or in small groups.

I was also lucky because they didn't have any enhanced or magical items that defend them. Most likely, the Adventurers coming after me would have some measures against [Void Slash] or [Dark Ball], and attacking in close combat as well. Harvesting souls to increase [Scythe Mastery] could make up for that issue. And they know about me, so my title buff won't even activate...

Well, I'm sure I've got some trouble coming my way from the humans. And I have to get strong enough to fight probably more than 3 people of a higher rank than those 3. Unless Adventurers are idiots, of course.

My [Danger Sense] got a reaction to the left... 2 Goblins and an Orc. It's a good thing I have this skill or I'd be stuck aimlessly wandering this seemingly endless Dungeon. I think they said it was Roroka?

Gripping my scythe with my new arm, I used [Conceal] and shrunk into the corner, listening to their footsteps slowing approaching me. I was convinced that my glowing eyes and mouth would give it away but they seemingly stopped glowing as soon as I used my skill.



[Orc Lv.5]
Rating: C-

Essentially a tough, bipedal pig.
Uses brute force, sometimes with a blunt weapon.>

Well, this one certainly not using any weapons. It's C Rated... I wonder if it'll give me as much exp as those 3 did?

As soon as they walked past me, I swung my scythe with my arm horizontally and pierced the Orc's chest. Yanking out my scythe, I sliced from floor to ceiling, leaving the Orc heartless and armless. I quickly propelled myself away, leaving it to bleed out. I set my sights on the Goblins.

Soon, I heard a thudding noise and I saw that there was a pink gem where the orc was once standing.

<43 exp gained.>

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