Chapter 19.1 : <Investigation.>

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"Anything on that Wraith, Eric?"

"Nothing since Roroka, sir."

"...Damn. Seems like we might have to postpone that investigation for now. Any promising Adventurers?"

"Well, there's this one pink haired Beast-Kin who's got a lot of potential, and she's got a pitch black Raven... wait, you don't think that's-"

"Bring her here as soon as you find her. What's her name?"

"Reina Moonshine. She took care of the Goblin Village yesterday alongside our Guild forces."

"Moonshine? But I thought they were... no. Nevermind. Thank you, Eric."

"No problem, Sir."

"Just call me Rowan, no need for the formalities while we're alone."

"A-Alright... Rowan."

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