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"OH SHIT I'M GOING TO BE LATE ROSEMARY IS GONNA KILL ME" Luke screams for the umpteenth time today. I wonder who's going to tell him that today isn't the day of the job.

"What are you standing around for you gotta go meet up with your team and your still in your pajamas." My mother says as she puts a basket of clean laundry down. Her long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her porcelain skin glimmering from the sunlight coming through the window. She quickly ajust her shirt over the growing bump on her stomach.

"That's not today." I tell her while sitting down on the couch. Picking up the book I was currently reading I start off on the chapter I was on.

"Nope it's definitely today. You should star.."

"WAIT WHAT!" I scream jumping up from my spot on the couch.

"HOLY MAVIS ROSEMARY IS GONNA KILL ME. I'M TO YOUNG TO DIE." I start screaming in panick. Mom looks at me like I've grown two heads. She then hands me a backpack with all of my necessities like cloths, hygiene products, sleeping bags, etc.

"I figured you and your brother would forget so I packed everything in advance, but that still doesn't explain why your brother is screaming." Mother explains. I sigh in relief as I find everything I need is in the bag. I turn around to see Luke behind me tearing up the couch cushions. He starts to reach for the table my book is on.

"Oh heck no get away from my book." I exclaim grabbing my book before he shoves it off the table.

"What are you even looking for anyway?" I ask already knowing the answer. Luke's face immediately turns red and he glares at me. I smile back innocently as mom looks between us. A look of realization dawning her face as she understands what it meant.

"OH MY MAVIS NATSU GET IN HERE YOUR SON FINALLY GREW A PAIR." She screams as Luke's face turns a darker shade of red. We all hear the suffling of footsteps and the rustling of items before our dad comes in the room holding a camera and the box Luke was looking for. Dad hands me the camera and Luke the box.

"Okay?" I drag out as I look at the *HDLC in my hand.

"Make sure you take lots of pictures as he confesses alright." Mom says with a look of obsession in her eyes. In all seriousness I swear I've heard her and Aunt Erza talking about which one will confess first. I think they even placed a bet on it.

"Um... what was the next line Luce, I forgot what I was supposed to say." My dad ask my mom. Mom immediately facepalms and pulls out a stack of cards. She hands them to dad who looks them over.

"Oh yeah, okay... I kept the box for you knowing you would loose it. You better. . . yeah no I can't do this." Dad says giving up on the rest of the sentence while handing the cards over to the beet red Luke. Luke scans over the cards and turns maroon as he looks at mom in disbelief. She shrugs innocently before walking to the kitchen.

"Well now that that's established are y'all gonna get going or am I gonna have to kick you out." Dad says as he takes a seat on a part of the couch that isn't destroyed.

"Alright where going no need to kick us out. If you just wanted alone time with mom you could've just asked. It's not like we weren't going anyway." I say while wiggling my eyebrows. He looks at me with a deadpan expression before walking away. As he walks I hear a stream of muttered profanities, most of them being "you better be lucky your my fucking daughter" or "Don't hurt the bitch she just a child". Glad to know that being his child keeps him from "hurting me".

I walk out the door telling Luke to hurry up and saying goodbye to mom and dad before heading towards the train station. After a few moments I hear footsteps rushing behind me. I recognize them as Luke's footsteps as he slows down to match my pace.

"What took you so long?" I question as I turn to look at him. He shakes his head as he starts to chuckle.

"It's complicated." He states back. Unlike the embarrassed and flustered Luke I saw back there he regained some of his usual calmness. His cheeks were back to their usual color and he looked way more confident.

"So do you know when your going to tell him." I ask refering to Reiki Fernandez. Even though they aren't dating they are really close. We all can tell they like each other even if they don't want to admit it. It's funny to watch though.

"I don't know when I just know it'll be soon." Luke replies looking at the black box in his hand.

"Well just make sure you don't break him or I'll break you." I tell him as we laugh.

"Don't you think you should be saying that to him." He questions me.

"But I like him so much more than you." I reply as he hits me in the arm playfully. We arrive at the train station and not to our surprise Rosemary is pissed.

"And where the hell were you two? We were almost late for the train." At the mention of train I pale a little.

"Sorry ma'am but I couldn't find project seven and..."

"Say no more just, let's go." She says with a sigh. She already knew what Luke was going to say. No one actually knew what project seven looked like except for Luke. He refuses to tell anyone what it is though.

We all board the train and take a seat in the nearest empty cart. I sat in the middle between Rosemary and Storm and across from us Luke sat in between Sylvia and Rin. This is only one team of the younger generation.

The teams consist of this:

Team Nashi
Members: 6
- Nashi Dragneel
- Luke Dragneel
- Rosemary Fernandez
- Storm Fullbuster
- Rin Fullbuster
- Sylvia Fullbuster

Members: 4
- Nova Dreyar
- ???
- Emma Redfox
- Luna Dragneel

Team CFR
Members: 3
- Hunter Cubellios
- Reiki Fernandez
- Gale Redfox

- Kai Dreyar
- ???
- ???

At least that's the newest rumor going around. All of the people listed are of people I know or seen. The rest are just guess based off of clues I get from the older new generation. It's funny to think that I don't know my older sister's face, but then again by the time we were old enough to remember she was constantly talking missions to be out of the guild. Even then she usually didnt get back until night when everyone was asleep. The only people who ever really see her now would be Master, Mira, Mom, dad, and her team.

The train starts moving and I immediately feel nauseous. Unlike me Luke got the "good traits" as my mom calls it, and he has no motion sickness. Lucky son of a ...

The train hits a bump.

I think I just died a little.

"Yeah no this is just unfair to her someone knock her out before she throws up." Storm comments looking at me. I thank him in my head before Rosemary knocks me out.

Well that's gonna leave a bruise.


Word Count: 1252

*HDLC: High Definition Lacrama Camera

How was it?

It's my attempt at a story so yeah criticism, not hate, is strongly appreciated.

Well that's it

Dolly out

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