Chapter 7

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No One's POV

"So wait that's the mission. Really, that's so fucked up." Emma states leaning back on her seat. They had migrated into the house after Emma caught up with team CFR.

Currently the five of them are in the house's kitchen looking over the synopsis of the mission as well as all the information they have collected so far.

"So to summarize what you just said, these people who call themselves "The Preeminent" are taking people putting them through mutiple series of test and mutating them... into monsters?" Emma questions looking at Nova to make sure she got it right. Nova nods her head in agreement before looking down at the papers on the table. A whole lot of random notes and sketches were plastered around the table. Each one holding some type of information about the subject.

"Yep that's basically it." Hunter confirms as he chops an onion. Hunter was the only one in the house that could actually cook, well accept for Nova, enough to be edible so he was making food as they discussed.

"Okay so then what am I needed for?" Emma asked slightly confused on what her part to play in this was.

"This is where your oh so big brain comes into play amazing sister of mine." Gale jumps into the conversation. The sarcasm in his tone causing Emma to turn around and hit him on the shoulder.

"Yeah okay but what for exactly?" Emma questions as she turns back around and stares at the table.

"It seems like you guys have everything figured out already." She says motioning towards all of the notes on the table.

"Well we do have everything we need to beat them, but we don't have their location." Reiki says as he walks in the room with a rolled up map. He places the map on the table before unrolling it. The map was a pretty basic outline of this country. But what caught Emma's attention was all of the marks on it.

"We need you to find their location." Nova says as she sits down in her seat.


"What the hell is taking them so long." A frustrated Storm exclaims as he looks at the place that is supposed to contain his teammates. The monster stopped shaking the bars and is now sitting in the middle of the cage staring directly at Storm. It was nerve racking for Storm as one could imagine. It watched his every move as if it was analyzing him.

As Storm stared at the creature he realized something, or more like, he saw something. It was barely noticeable and you would only see it if you looked very closely.

A thin layer of frozen slime covering the creature.

This was when Storm realized the creature was using his cage to survive. The constant rattling on the cage was for it's arms and stomach to freeze over without drawing suspicion of it doing so. It probably though that if it did anything to try to survive Storm would kill it. It's sitting on the floor for it's legs to freeze over. It's head surprisingly already had a more solidified form probably from the creatures anatomy.

"What are you?" Storm questions as he walks towards the cage. His gaze never once left the creature and he held his hands in front of him so he could be prepared for anything the creature could do. Taking a seat he watched as the creature simply shifted it's eyes to follow Storm's figure.

"You have human features like eyes, a nose, and a mouth, although you can't talk. Your magic is... undecided but you have slime covering your body. I'm guessing your made up of mostly slime but it falls apart or to be more specific melts in heat. So you need to stay in cool places like the cave or this cage. Not to mention you have a bone structure cause if you didn'tyou would've just splattered onto the ice when Luke punched you. Better yet Luke would've just sunk into you. This means you also have organs like a heart and brain that you need to protect." Storm says putting all the information he has gained from the mission together.

"Oh and even though we seen so many species over the past few years of our lives we've never seen anything like you." Storm says in suspicion. He thinks a little more before deciding to do some test on it.

First he stood up and walked around the cage. The creature shifted so that Storm would always be in it's eyesight. Storm noted that in his head before hold his hand up into his fighting stance. Immediately the creature reacts by creating a spiky amour using all of the harden slime.

"So you see me as an enemy not a friend. Good to know." Storm says out loud to no one in particular.

"It also means your not stupid so I shouldn't be to reckless." Storm looks at the creature as he puts his hands down. The creature retracts the spikes and goes back to looking at Storm. Storm walks around the cage a few more times before stopping.

"Fuck it." Storm says as he opens the cage stepping in quickly and closing it.

"If I die I blaming it on the fools in that house." Storm mutters as the creature and him lock eye contact.


Everyone in the room was dead silent and no one dared to move. On one side of the room stood a highly distressed lady who is trying her best not to panic. On the other side stood a group of teenagers. But what stood out from this group was the salmon haired girl who is looking at the lady have a mental breakdown in satisfaction.

"So are we going to get some answers or are we going to have to find out ourselves." Nashi asked causing Akari to flinch. If you had came in on them you would assume that Nashi was the bad guy.

"I have nothing to hide." Akari replies hoping to fool the questionnaire.

"Your lying." Came another voice.

"Why thank you Sylvia for the wonderful confirmation. I guess this just means we'll be taking it and finding out ourselves." Nashi exclaims as she walks towards the door.

"I'm not lying." Akari states in determination.

"Yeah you are." Sylvia replies staring right at Akari.

"How would you know?" Akari questions Sylvia.

"It's a little magic called common sense." Sylvia retorts back as she goes to stand next to Nashi who is at the door. The rest of the group proceeds to walk to the door. Nashi opens the door and everyone walks out of the room.

"Kill them."

"Yes ma'ma."


Word count: 1125

Well hello there. Been a while. Actually only like a week but that is still long considering I have no excuse.... hehe.

Anyway what's up you bored like me? No.. oh okay.


Have a donut🍩

Or a cookie🍪

Dolly Out

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