Chapter 10

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No One's PoV:

The maid quickly launches into action and attacks Storm with a barge of punches. Storm seemingly relaxed just dodges the attacks before holding out his hand.

"White: Boreas Absolute Winter." Storm says and the maid halts any movement.

"What did you do?" She said suprising everyone at the scratchy tone of her voice. It was only then that she realized how cold her body felt.

"Boreas is the God of the cold North wind and Bringer of winter. I simply brought all of winter to you a little faster than everyone else. Although I don't know how to control it much so sorry for your whole body freezing up." Storm says looking toward his teammates before narrowing his veiw to just Nashi.

"What?" Nashi questions before Storm turns back to the maid.

"What's your name?" Storm ask and she scoffs.

"Why would I tell you that? So you can kill me after." She replies but is only met with a laugh.

"I personally don't like killing people but I mean it can always be arranged. Plus all I'm asking for is your name so I at least know who I'm about to pass off to the devil." Storm says and the maid frowns. I mean who of that group could possible put her in a situation worse than this?

"Aimi..." She replies hesitantly.

"Age?" Storm ask and she narrows her eyes in confusion.

"17." She replies and he sighs a bit before bringing his hand to his head.

"Fuck your younger than it." He says before looking behind him again. Everyone was staring at him with looks of confusion as he sighed once again.

"Nashi, come here." Storm says and Nashi gets up excitedly before making her way over to him.

"You need something?" She questions with a smile that screams 'I know what you want me to do'.

"You already know what I'm about to ask so just do it." Storm states as his blank face returns.

"No I don't. What is it?" She says making eye contact with him. They seem to have a minature battle before Storm looks away and Nashi smiles in content.

"Burn her." Storm says and everyones eyes widen.

"Sure thing Stormy." Nashi says making Storm scrowl at her. Nashi takes a couple of steps foward before holding her hand out. At first it didn't seem like anything was happening but as you looked closer any signs of Storm's magic started to disapper from everywhere on Aimi's body except for the mutated arm.

"It's hot stop." Aimi said as she started sweating.

"No can do." Nashi said and Aimi tried to start walking toward her only to fall to the ground.

"What are you doing to her!? Sttop your hurting her." Sylvia said but Nashi just ignored her and continued.

"You know I really don't want to hurt someone whose younger than me but this is the most effective option." Nashi says looking at Aimi then Sylvia.

"What do you mean?" She ask and Nashi turns to face her.

"Storm completly froze her body to stop her blood flow. This stops whatever she injected herself with to stop circulating." Nashi says and everyone starts to nod in understanding.

"I get it now! So I'm assuming your gonna sweat the stuff out of her?" Luke ask and Nashi nods.

"I mean it's not like she just gonna shit it out of herself within the next five minutes, but we can't leave her like this." Nashi exclaims as she walks up to Aimi.

"But what I really don't appreciate is Storm calling me the devil and an 'it' that really hurt my feelings. Plus you make it seem like I'm a bad person." Nashi says as she grabs a piece of Aimi's outfit and tears it off. She rubs the sweat off of Aimi's forehead and neck before returning to the group and giving it to Rosemary. Rosemary looks at it then at Nashi before looking at the piece of cloth.

"I know you have a bag to put it in with all the stuff you carry around." Nashi says which makes Rosemary scrowl at her.

"Nashi isn't making a very convincing argument as to why your not the devil." Sylvia says and Nashi turns to her.

"Ho-..." Nashi starts only to be interupted

"Within the past half of a day you have burned the goo creature, threatened the "Major", hurt the goo creature again, wanted to beat up Aimi, and proceedes to, as Storm put it, 'burn her'. Which by the way Storm could've been worded just a bit better so it didn't sound like you wanted her to kill a 17 year old girl." Sylvia rants bringing both of the mages down on notch. Nashi pouts as Storm just walks away and back toward the cage that holds the creature.

"Would you like me to continue?" Sylvia ask and Nashi quietly shakes her head turning back to Aimi who is grunting in pain and discomfort. It was silent except for Aimi who was struggling to move. Her arm slowly starts shrinking into the size of a human arm before losing it's scalyness. The ink just drips off her arm until there's only drops of it left. Nashi cancels out her magic and Aimi gasp for breath and curls up into a ball. Luke walks up to Aimi and crouches down to her level and looks over her body noticing the red splotches on her skin.

"We should get her to a doctor." Luke states picking up Aimi and carrying her. She groans in pain at the contact but doesn't protest as she just wanted to get rid of the pain.

"What do we tell them once we get there?" Sylvia questions and everyone stops moving. It's not like they can just show up saying this girl tried to kill us but we burned her now help her. The moment she wakes up she'll be arrested and probably have some form of experimennts tested on her.

"Then I guess were going back home so Wendy and Storm can treat her." Rosemary said and everyone nods in agreement. Storm creates wheels underneath the cage and pushes it to where the rest of his members are.

"Sylvia go get Rin and help him pack our stuff." Rosemary says and Sylvia nods before running off to the hotel they had found.

"Nashi go see if you can find us a cart to ride back in." Rosemary states turning to Nashi. Nashi whines in protest but Rosemary just ignores it leaving Nashi to sulk while walking off.

"Luke and Storm your on babysitting duties." Rosemary says next and the both of them nod. Rosemary starts walking off but Luke calls her.

"Where are you going?" He ask and she chuckles.

"Nashi's right I do have a lot of bags." Is all she says before leaving making Luke laugh and Storm smile.


And Scene

Anyone got anything good to watch while I wait for the next season of Seven Deadly Sins?

Also I know this one wasn't a back and forth chapter So the next chapter will mostly focus on Emma's group


Have a Donut🍩

Or a cookie🍪

Dolly Out

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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