Chapter 3

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No One's POV

As they head into the cave it slowly starts to get darker. They haven't heard anymore growls or screams since they stepped into the cave. It has everyone on high alert because of the quietness.

"Nashi can you create some light, it's getting hard to see in here." Sylvia states while waving her hands in front of her. A warm glow transpired in Nashi's hand as she held it out in front of her.

Suddenly Storm jerks Nashi back just as they saw the snap of a mouth filled with teeth and cloths from what where to be assumed as humans. It blew out a big breath that made everyone cover their nose. It smelled of blood and rotten food. In this case they knew what the food had been.

Rosemary requiped into her spiky metor armor and got into a offensive stance. Not only did this requip increase her speed and strength, but it also gave off a bright glow making it easier to see in the dark cave.

Nashi runs up towards the monster fist ablaze as the temperature in the cramped dimly lit cave rose. Storm of course not liking the sudden change in temperature freezes the cave walls in an effort to keep them temperature down. It didn't work for long though because of the heat emitting from Nashi's flames.

"Fire Dragon Roar"

"Meteor Rush"

Rosemary and Nashi yell at the same time. The monster tried to protect itself against the oncoming slaughter of fast moving blades but it's defensive shell of blades melted underneath the blazing heat. The monster screamed in pain as it stepped foward into a more clearer part of the cave. The height of it was at least the size of two vulcans and underneath the shell of blades was a slimy body. Most likely how the blades stuck to it's body.

Sylvia looked at it in disgust as she dislikes slimy things with a passion.

"Water Demon Whirlwind." Sylvia says as she shoots her hands foward. The melted ice from Storm freezing the wall starts spinning rapidly around the monster effectively removing any and all slime from it's body. Without the slime and blades it looked very shriveled. Keeping up the pattern of attacks Luke steps up to the beast and unleashes a series of hard blows to it's stomach and head finishing it off with a kick upwards that sent it straight into the now refrozen ice. It lands on the gound unconscious as the group starts to surround it.

"It's not dead, we should take it back to the village and see what they want to do with it." Rosemary says as she checks it's pulse.

"Okay so who's carrying it." Luke ask looking at everyone.

"Oh hell no I am not carrying it." Sylvia says looking at the shriveled up monster laying on the ground. Everyone knew why she wouldn't carry it and just left it

"You can count me out." Rosemary claims as she walks next to Sylvia. No one dared to ask why.

"Well I would but I have this condition that doesn't allow me to carry really big things..." Nashi says as she pats her shoulder to emphasize this "condition".

"Not it." Luke says promptly after Nashi's explanation. They all stare at Storm as he shrugs and picks up the shriveled monster. Everyone looks at him with the same thought in mind,

He really has changed.


They return to the village after a few moments heading up to the Mayor's office. The townspeople giving weird stares to Storm because of the unconscious monster on his back. It had a mask of ice covering it's mouth as a precaution but other than that it's overall size had gone down.

"I guess it had more than one kind of magic." Rosemary says looking at the now baby size monster on Storm's back. They get up to the Mayor's door immediately let in after knocking.

"The boy has to stay outside." The maid says blocking Storm from entering.

"What why?!" Sylvia exlaims looking between Storm and the maid.

"The Mayor doesn't want that thing in the office." She states looking at the monster that is now in his arms.

"It's fine guys just make sure you hurry up cause it's starting to regain height." Storm exclaims creating a cage to put the creature in. They all look at him and he gives a blank look back. They all look back to the maid who is standing at the door with a blank look.

"Well I guess we'll see you in a little while." Sylvia says looking at her brother while walking ahead. Everyone quickly mumbles something along the lines of 'yeah' and 'okay' before following Sylvia inside. This left Storm to deal with an ever increasing in size creature to deal with.


Inside of the house they follow the maid to what seems to be a very large study. With a very large desk in the back and a lot of shelves filled with books someone could mistaken it for a libary.

"The mayor will be with you shortly please wait here for the time being." She says before exiting the room. Everyone just stared around the room looking at all of the books and manuscripts on the shelves and desk.

"Anyone else curious as to the species of the creature we just fought." Rosemary conveys her thoughts to everyone.

"I mean I kinda do, they said that it jad been terrorizing them but didn't go into futher detail." Luke states looking at an history book.

"Not to mention the fact that it was extremely easy to beat and all the mayor and flyer told us was that it had blade magic." Nashi chimed in looking at the teloscope on the desk.

"Even though cleary the blades were it's version of self defense and it's actual magic would most likely be the slime it creates on it's own body." Sylvia adds to the comments.

"Or maybe were just looking to far into it?" Nashi exclaims finally taking her eyes off the strange looking telescope.

Just as Rosemary was about to reply the door being open brought everyone's attention to the door.

"You must be the fairytail mages that excepted the request right?"


Word count: 1048

Here you go Dark_Dr34m their's your update ;)

Anyway anyone else have to start online classes... #sadlife
But because I was asked here it is an update.

Anywho you know the drill, if it's spelt or something is not right with a sentence please tell me.

And with that,

Have a donut🍩

Dolly Out😁

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