Chapter 4

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No One's POV

They all stare at this women in confusion as to who she is. Wasn't the Mayor of this town a man?

"My name is Akari Hoshi the maker of this quest and the Mayor of this town, although you can call me Akari." She states coming over to the group.

"Huh?" Nashi says looking at the young women. She couldn't have been older than 25 but she was the mayor?

"I thought the Mayor of this town was a man?" Nashi says completely confused. They all have a look of question on their face as they stare at this woman. How was she the mayor?

"I remember as Rosemary was giving us a run down of the mission she clearly states that the mayor wanted this thing gone to the point where HE requested wizards." Nashi says clearly confused.

"I'm surprised you listened that much." Rosemary pauses before continuing "But she is right I even met up with him, so who is the mayor?" Rosemary questions ignoring the glare that was thrown her way by Nashi.

"I am the mayor of this town and the man you met was simply a cover up for me." Akari states while sitting down.

"Don't think too much about it for that is not important. I would like to know if you all have completed the quest I gave you?" She asks as the group of mages look at her. They all look at each other communicating through eye contact before looking back at Akari.

"No we have not completed the quest yet. We simply captured the beast and brought it here, for we wanted to make sure you wanted to kill it." Rosemary replyed to the mayor's question all playfulness in her voice gone.

"Well where is it now?" Akari speaks in a rush slightly losing her composure before clearing her throat.

"It's outside with our companion." Luke says as his eyes narrowing in suspicion. Something about her threw him off but he didn't know what exactly that "thing" was.

"Well I don't want it alive, it's been terrorizing my town for too long." Akari speaks up her tone back to it's original authoritative manner.

"Once you kill it I will give you the reward." She continues as she stands up.

"Can we keep it?" Nashi speaks up earning looks of shock, disbelief, and confusion as everyone focuses their attention on the salmon haired girl in front of them.

"I mean I want to keep it." Nashi elaborates as she stands from her seat on the couch.

" I just find it instresting that none of us can pinpoint what type of creature that thing is. Also the fact that it didn't really put up a fight other than it almost defending itself. Not to mention that it shrunk after being knocked unconscious even though you said it only has one type of magic." Nashi starts listing off things she noticed.

"Oh and the best reason to keep it is the fact that even mentioning keeping it alive makes you go pale." Nashi claims pointing a finger towards Akari.

" So as the "stupid" person of the team I am very narrow minded sometimes but this time I'm not, so I give you two options. Either tell us what's really going on or we take it home and find out ourselves." Nashi demands a fiery glint glowing in her eyes.


Storm has a problem.

This problem was really tiny at first but now it's his size and looking at him with two very human like eyes. What the hell is this thing? Storm ponders as it looks at him.

The new appearance of this creature is nothing short of creepy with its very human like body covered in thick slime. It's like the creature itself evolved into a more suitable form. The eyes however have shrunken in size, and now it looks exactly like a human that decided to cook itself in highly runny jello. The blue-ish green slime was thicker than when the monster was extremely large, but that was probably just the slime layering itself.

"Oh shit you guys better get your asses out of there now." Storm muttered to himself as the creature walked over to where Storm was and started shaking the cage bars.

Earlier That Day

"Well that was a nice trip to the spa." A blonde haired mage exclaimed as she stretched her arms in the air.

"It was but Nova, why'd we take a trip to the spa all of the sudden?" A brown haired mage questions Nova tilting her head slightly.

"Well my good and faithful Emma I have a question for you." Nova says looking over to Emma with a diminished smile. She stopped walking as she put one hand on her hip. Nova's tone of voice was one that shocked Emma as she stopped walking. Nova was usually very upbeat and playful like her mother, so when she stops you know to listen. Nova takes a deep breath before releasing it in the form of a sigh.

"Can I trust you to keep a secret?" Nova asked Emma in such a small voice that if she didn't have advance senses she wouldn't have heard.

"Well yeah I mean I know where not like best-friends or anything but you're still my friend, of course you can trust me." Emma replies to Nova peculiar question. Well it was peculiar for what Nova said next explains almost everything. Every question, doubt, and concern Emma had was replaced with the feeling of curiosity.

"Good cause we are going to go somewhere no one can know about until it's over." Nova said pulling out a piece of folded paper. Emma took a a look at the paper before realizing something.

"That smells like Hunter." Emma says trying to pluck the piece of paper out of Nova's hand.

"That's cause he sprayed some of his cologne on it." Nova replies opening the note to show off a set of numbers.

"20.8.5, " Emma said looking confused. Nova nods before taking out a lighter and burning the note.

"What that could've been a call for help why'd you burn it." Emma says looking at Nova in confusion.

"It's not a call for help it's coordinates." Nova replies cooly.

"We are going to go meet up with team CFR."


Word count:1071

Why hello there my lovely readers

So don't hate me for leaving Nashi on pause for now but it's not like your going to find my home address cause.... social distancing

Anywho any idea of what's happening. No .... oh well it'll all come together just be patient.

In the meantime

Have a donut🍩

Dolly out

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