Chapter 1 - The Land of Twillis

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Twillis is a disgusting, washed up place put on one of the least likable landmarks in the world. Atleast, that's the way I think of it. I've had this mindset ever since I was informed of what the Capitol does to everyone that isn't part of it. The land has been divided into twelve districts by the Capitol, and being in district eleven, I probably live the most miserable life one could imagine...

...if it weren't for my best friend Ivory. She was a rather unique girl, always wanting to hang out with lame-ole-me instead of any of the other popular girls in the district, which there are way more than you'd think. Ivory is a Sylveon with the coolest of blue put where it would normally be pink on her body. That apparently makes her a shiny, which I guess is the only explanation. Her being a shiny instantly made her popular, since they are very rare pokemon.

I usually spend most of my time doing whatever with Ivory, since there isn't much else to do. District eleven is real dull and bare. There's not many trees, unless you go out into the forbidden forest, which I never have. It's illegal to leave the boundaries of the district, which basically meant it was illegal to have fun. Go figure.

The one day of the year where life is interesting is on Reaping Day, which is not really a day to be happy.

The Hunger Games is what Reaping Day is for. I myself, have never liked the idea of the Hunger Games. Heck, nobody likes the Hunger Games here. It's a fight to the death between all twelve districts, all having one boy teen and one girl teen, randomly chosen, to take place in the games.

I'm sixteen, which means I have been eligible to compete for a while now. I've always been scared about it, and what would happen if I was chosen. I wouldn't last long, since I don't have much survival experience, but if there is one little advantage I do have over others, it's fighting experience.

Me, Claudius, a Raboot with one eye, a better fighter than Fin, a Pawniard who took martial arts. Fin was only able to be taught martial arts because his dad won the Hunger Games once, and that was a long time ago. Fin and his family have been the richest in the district ever since. With all that money, they payed someone in the Capitol to give him private lessons.

Fin is a little dude, and it sometimes seems like he's rather weak, despite being a year older than me.

Me and him have fought twice before, both times broken up by guards after I hurt him too bad. You just gotta take out the legs enough, then kick them in the side of the head until they fall over. Easy. For me atleast.

Ivory has not liked fights at all. Technically, she's never really been in one before, so there's nothing I can really say to tell you why. She was actually the reason me and Fin fought the first time. Fin wanted to talk to her and I was having none of it after Ivory started whimpering in both irritation and fear. She knows how bad of a person Fin is, as he can get away with whatever he wants for being a winner's son. I really dislike him.

Right now, I'm walking to Ivory's house to see if she wants to hang out. Strolling through the quiet lands of Twillis every now and then is real calm, to be quite honest. Feeling the swift breeze as I roam around.

Arriving in front of the familiar house, I knocked on the door three times. The door opened, revealing a normal Sylveon stood in the doorway. Ivory's mother. She smiles when she saw me.

"Hello Claudius! Ivory is up in her room. Just hold on a second," she said.

"Thanks, Jude." I responded. She closes the door behind her as she went back inside. I turned around, waiting for Ivory.

Me and Ivory have been best friends pretty much our entire lives. We know each other so well, we probably know things about each other that we don't even know about ourselves. We went to grade school together, we watched the Hunger Games together, which we probably don't want to do again. It is to a point where I don't really feel complete without her. She needs me, but I definitely need her more. Sure, we get teased about being a couple sometimes, and how 'adorable' we are together, but I've never felt a romantic bond with Ivory. And I'm not sure if that's a normal thing.

My reminiscence was interrupted by the door opening and closing.

"Hey Claudy!" Ivory squealed with a wide smile, the usual greeting. When we were young, Ivory could never say my actual name, so she always just called me 'Claudy' on accident. It became a nickname for me, which I was really only comfortable with her using.

"What's up, Ivory?" I asked, continuing the usual greeting. She shrugged nonchalantly.

"I've been okay, I guess. How about you?" Ivory asked back.

"Just been waiting to talk to you." I said with a wink, but with my one eye, looked like a blink. Ivory's face slightly turned a bright shade of pink.

I had always lived with one eye. I had seemingly lost it when I was born, only to find out years later that I was apparently born with only one eye. I now wear an eyepatch over my left eye, and there's no plans of getting a replacement. I'm quite fine with wearing an eyepatch. I think it's pretty cool, but sadly, not everyone else thinks that way.

"W-well, what are we gonna do today?" Ivory asked.

"The same thing we do every day, Ivory." I said, sighing. "Nothing..."

We both rolled our eyes, shaking our head. Ivory and I started down the empty streets. District 11 had always been a quiet, lifeless area in Twillis. Rarely do you see actual adults outside doing something. They are all either at home with their kids, or at work, getting a small pay. Poor place, it is. While I was walking, I swear something had lightly touched my hand, though, when I looked to Ivory, she seemed to have either not noticed, or decided to not talk about it. Sure, we weren't really doing anything, but simply being there with her just felt more enjoyable than by myself.

Suddenly, a loud, obnoxious voice startled us from behind.

"What's up amateurs?"

I groaned, annoyed. I turned around to see Fin, standing like in the same stance his father always did. Absolute wannabe.

"What do you want, Fin?" I muttered through a growing growl. I really didn't want to have to hit something real hard today, but I will if I have to. Ivory looked just as annoyed as me.

"I was just about to head to the district hall to know everything I can about the reaping. It's tomorrow, y'know?" Fin said. I sighed.

"Yes, no need to remind me." I rolled my eye at him.

"Heh. I'm hoping that whoever gets picked will dominate the games like I would. I'd be a stud!" Fin mocked.

"More like a dud." Ivory mumbled to me, to which we both snickered.

"I bet you'd make more of an impact by not showing up than actually competing." I shouted at him, trying to just make him go away. Fin's facial expression looked slightly angered.

"Oh yeah!? Well... well I'll prove you wrong, Claudi-miss!" Fin retorted. Claudi-miss? That was a horrible diss. I cringed, trying to make it look noticable.

"You wanna prove me wrong? How about you do that right now, idiot!" I said, putting my hands into fists. Fin started to slowly walk towards me.

"Oh, you're so on!" Fin shouted, starting to run at me. I started to speed up my pace, as he came closer to me. I suddenly stopped, and shifted to the side. I lifted out my right foot, which Fin stupidly tripped on.

"Yeah, I'm not fighting you." I said. Fin started to whimper a little.

"Y-you just wait till I tell my dad about this!" Fin squealed as he stood back up, and ran away in the direction he came. I turned around to face Ivory, who had her paw covering her mouth, trying to hold back her laugh. I chuckled a bit at her, amused by her amusement.

At the end of the day, we ended up back at Ivory's house. Before she went back inside, I grabbed her paw and pulled her back to look at me.

"Hey uh, Ivory." I began. Ivory looked at me, face as pink as before. I held onto her paw tighter. "Good luck tomorrow, at the reaping." Ivory smiled back at me.

"You, too."

We both smirked at eachother. "And may the odds be ever in your favor." We both said together with ridiculous accents.

What a joke of a place Twillis is. Luck is always what it takes in this place. The odds seem to never be in someone's favor.

I just hope they're in me and Ivory's.

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