Chapter 7 - Training

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Claudius' Point of View:

The training center wasn't as fancy as everything else in the Capitol was. It was quite simple. Stock weapons, fake wildlife to get you in the feeling, exercise equipment, targeted dummies, and some sort of 'class' area. I really didn't know where to start.

The one flaw I found in training was that every other tribute to compete in the Hunger Games all had to share the room, which I wasn't fully on board with. Sure, it meant I got to train with Ivory, but it also meant all kinds of drama with cocky career tributes.

When me and Ivory entered the center, it felt like all eyes were on us. A small group of pokemon who all looked way too old to be in the games approached me. One of them, a Charizard, looked at me with a smirk. I could tell it wasn't a real friendly smirk.

"Never in my life did I believe a career would come out of your district, buddy. You're a Raboot, eh? What's that like?" the Charizard asked, leaning down to my height, trying to tease me. How in the world did they consider me a career?

"I don't know, maybe I'll show you what it's like." I say, looking the Charizard dead in the eyes. It glanced at my eye-patch.

"Arrow to the pupil? Man, that's gotta suck!"

"I was born with the eye missing." I said pointing to it. Ivory stood close behind me, clearly intimidated by the much bigger pokemon. The Charizard stood back up straight, still looking at me.

"My, I can tell you got guts of glory. You can team up with us, if you'd like." The Charizard said, shutting it's eyes confidently. I raise a brow, conflicted. I look to Ivory, who looks worried. I have high doubts she'd be able to join the careers with me.

"Yeah, that's gonna be a hard pass." I reply, crossing my arms. The Charizard flinches, inching it's head closer to me, glaring harshly.

"You're making a grave mistake, boy. If you turn this down I'll make sure to have your severed head stuck on a spear when I'm through with you." The Charizard said, putting it's fingernail on my chest where my heart is located. I look at it's arm and lightly brush it off.

"Believe me, if we're to cross paths in the future, you'll be dead before your stubby little arms could even touch me." I shoot back. The Charizard's eyes widen, and it moves it's head back, standing up straight and tall. It growls before turning away from me and walking off, probably to go bully some poor thirteen-year old who just so happened to be chosen as tribute. The other pokemon that approached closely scattered away, either following the Charizard, or just fleeing.

My eyes caught an Ivysaur who was observing the conflict the whole time. It smirked at me before turning and walking away. Whatever that was about...

If there's one thing I'm good at, it's making enemies with others. I'm not scared of the careers whatsoever. They can come up to me and talk all kinds of smack if they feel like it. But in a one on one fight, they can't do anything. That's where my advantage kicks in.

I excel easily in one on one fights. If something twice my size wants to take a shot at me, I beat the living crap out of them without even breaking a sweat.

The whole game is pretty much under my control, and nobody even knows it yet.

I could feel Ivory fearfully shaking behind me. I turned around and smiled at her reassuringly.

"Please, don't get into too much trouble." Ivory says, frowning. I chuckle.

"Don't worry about me. I know what I'm doing."

For the next few hours, I maintained most of my focus onto training and teaching Ivory, which is way harder than I thought it'd be. I tried quizzing her on what to do in a fight, and she didn't answer a single question correctly. Inexperience will be her downfall it seems.

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