Chapter 4 - Away We Go

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Claudius' Point of View:

I got on the train, which, mind you, was rather fancy. Heck, if I was never told it was a train, I'd never even consider it to be one. It looked nice of course, since the Capitol thrives with money, and only one out of twenty-four tributes get to experience it multiple times in their life.

As soon as I had merely opened the door, I could tell that I wasn't gonna like it.

I didn't see anyone around for some reason, besides the two guards that escorted me in. Furnitures and decorations were seen in any direction, and you could definetely get used to it, no doubt about it. Snack trays were lined up on a table with a nice orange cloth over it. Bottles of alcohol beverages rest beside the chocolate fountain.

I've never actually seen anything like this before, and I was highly interested. However, I refuse to give into the temptations. I want to make the Capitol know that I don't like anything about them.

I heard a door open, and I turned to see Ivory entering the room I was in. She ran at me into a hug, which made me feel the best I've felt all day. I was relieved to see her.

"Why did you do this?" Ivory whispered into my ear, voice slightly muffled from crying I assumed.

"I had no choice." I responded. We hugged in the center of the room, only sniffles and whispers to be heard. It was a little awkward, but that was alright.

Ivory stepped out of the hug, giving me the same saddened look she's had on her face since the Reaping.

"You didn't have to volunteer."

"Well I did. No going back." I said.

"How can you be so bold? Are you not at all worried about your life being at stake?" Ivory asked, both worried and surprised.

"I'm more worried about you, Ivory. I volunteered, because I don't want to lose you. I can't just live life with you being taken away from me. You're my best friend. The only thing that matters to me." I could feel tears swelling up my eyes, as I let myself blush. The truth hurts sometimes.

"You... don't want to be... without me?" Ivory asked, voice trembling. I nodded slowly.

Ivory's Point of View:

I couldn't believe what I was being told. Claudius doesn't want to see me go. And he volunteered just so he could be with me.

Why is he so good!?

My heart started beating faster as I stared deep into his eye. His single, dashing eye. It was green, like an emerald. It shined like no gem could. I felt my face warming up again, as I couldn't stop myself from inching closer to his face.

"Just do it!" I mentally screamed to myself. "Now's your chance!"

I closed my eyes, and moved my mouth closer to his, anticipation filling my body. I began to feel the heat rise off of his face, like a beautiful volcano.

Claudius' Point of View:

Why is she so close to me? Is there some sort of force pushing her at me? It's making me feel rather uncomfortable. Emotions getting to the best of her? Another hug? Is Ivory okay?

I saw her red face and only got more worried.

"Ivory!?" I said, confused. She opened her eyes wide, as the color on her face darkened, embarrassment taking over her. She jolted back, away from me, and covered her face with her arms.

"Sorry!" Ivory yelled, as she ran away, knocking into a table with drinks, spilling them all over herself, with the table falling over as well. She got right back up as if nothing had happened, and sped out the door she came, probably into a more private area. What... just happened?

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